럭셔리 패션 브랜드의 플래그쉽 스토어에 나타난 예술화

Artification in Flagship Stores of Luxury Fashion Brands

  • 투고 : 2020.03.09
  • 심사 : 2020.06.26
  • 발행 : 2020.08.31


Luxury fashion brands have begun to aggressively introduce art to justify inherent values such as tradition, craftsmanship, and exclusivity that make it difficult for luxury brands to uphold awe-inspiring atmosphere. Artification refers to a process in which non-artistic factors are transformed into art or artistic category under the influence of artistic thoughts or actions. In addition, the consumption space provided by brands have become important as the importance of substantial shopping experience has increased. Especially, since the artification is actively utilized in flagship stores in the communication interface with consumers. This study uses a literature review and case studies to typify and derive the meaning of the method for artification at a flagship store that effectively conveys brand identity and value. The types of artification at a luxury fashion brand flagship store are divided into pursuing brand permanency and maintaining brand exclusivity that also provides a new value of permanency like a work of art to a luxury fashion brand. Basic values, such as scarcity are declining, reviving and justifying the value threatened by the popularization of luxury.



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