A wireless monitoring system for monocrystalline PV system

  • Kelebekler, Ersoy (Department of Electricity and Energy, Uzunciftlik Nuh Cimento VHS, Kocaeli University) ;
  • Ergun, Riza Emre (Department of Motor Vehicles and Transportation Technologies, Ford Otosan Ihsaniye Automotive VHS, Kocaeli University)
  • 투고 : 2019.04.05
  • 심사 : 2020.07.19
  • 발행 : 2020.06.25


Photovoltaic systems are progressively attached importance and their installed capacity increases day by day because of their reliability, decremented installation and operating cost and simple construction structure. Generated power obtained from a photovoltaic system changes depending upon regional distinctness, and It can be estimated approximately by taking into consideration mean global radiation amount, temperature and humidity. However, there may be different regional negative or positive factors like dust, air pollution, desert powder which affect generated power. The best reliable data for a region can be obtained from the existing photovoltaic system in the region. For this purpose, a monitoring system for 1000W monocrystalline photovoltaic system constructed at Kocaeli University Uzunciftlik Nuh Cimento Vocational High Scholl is prepared. The installed monitoring system shows and records real values generated from the photovoltaic system and environmental data. In the study, Instantaneous data obtained from the monitoring system for October 2018 and 7th October 2018 is given within figures. Additionally, daily and monthly total energy productions of the photovoltaic system are given for October 2018 and date interval between July 2018 and March 2018, respectively.



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