Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) field is mainly studied to monitor and characterize large-scale physical environments to track various environmental or physical conditions, such as temperature, pressure, wind speed and humidity. WSN can be used in various applications such as wild surveillance, military target tracking and monitoring, dangerous environmental exploration and natural disaster relief. We design probabilistic mobile models that apply to mobile ad hoc network mobile environments. A probabilistic shift model proposed by dividing the number of moving nodes and the distance of travel into two categories to express node movement characteristics. The proposed model of movement through simulation was compared with the existing random movement model, ensuring that the width and variation rate of the first node node node node (FND) was stable regardless of the node movement rate. In addition, when the proposed mobile model is applied to the routing protocol, the superiority of network life can be verified from measured FND values. We overcame the limitations of the existing random movement model, showing excellent characteristics in terms of energy efficiency and stable in terms of changes in node movement.