119 구급대원의 임산부 응급처치 실태 및 임산부에 대한 지식과 응급처치 수행자신감에 대한 연구

A study on the current status of prehospital emergency care for pregnant women, knowledge related to pregnant women, and self-confidence in emergency care among paramedics

  • 투고 : 2020.07.11
  • 심사 : 2020.08.14
  • 발행 : 2020.08.31


Purpose: This study aimed to identify the status of emergency care of pregnant women transported by paramedics, to analyze the knowledge of paramedics related to pregnant women and their self-confidence in emergency care, and to provide foundational data to improve the quality of emergency care for pregnant women. Methods: We received a total of 1,798 rescue logs from 119 paramedics, who had transported pregnant women, in I city from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018. For survey analysis, we used the 164 questionnaires received from these paramedics from June 15 to August 14, 2019. Results: The analysis of the rescue logs revealed that 85.5% (1,537 individuals) either had disease symptoms or were pregnant, whereas only 14.5% (261 individuals) had traffic accidents or accident-related injuries. The mean knowledge of the paramedics related to pregnant women was 23.73 (±2.98) points, and the mean self-confidence in emergency care was 3.19 (±0.74) points. Knowledge of the paramedics about pregnant women and their self-confidence in emergency care of these women had a statistically significant positive correlation (r=.306, p=.000). Conclusion: Paramedics should be provided theoretical and practical training through various programs about the emergency care of pregnant women.



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