Revisited Meaning of Gated Community as a Tieboutian Voter: Evidence from Seoul of Private Governance and Local Public Goods

  • 투고 : 2020.02.14
  • 심사 : 2020.04.03
  • 발행 : 2020.04.30


Main research question of this study is about whether gated community (GC) as private urban governance gets along with local public goods by locating near to them. We examine this question through testing the Tiebout hypothesis from case study of Seoul, capital city of South Korea, in which GCs are so common to test the assumption empirically. For this, we examine the meaning of GC in 3 Es viewpoints; conceptualize the framework of Tieboutian co-evolution of GC and local public goods by hedonic price modeling. As a result, possibilities are found that GCs are to be seen from different point of view, viz. co-evolutionary mechanism between private and public governance; GCs effectively capture and represent the demand of residents for local public goods through voting by their collective locational choice. It allows us different kind of approach to investigate APTs as a co-evolutionary form of private and public urban order rather than seeing them only as a tool of speculative investment, particularly in rapidly urbanizing countries like Korea.



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