Case Report of Terminal Cancer Patient by Community Health Practitioner

보건진료소에서의 말기 암 환자 간호사례

  • Jeong, Migyung (Sandae Primary Health Post, Boeun Public Healh Center)
  • Received : 2019.11.19
  • Accepted : 2020.01.03
  • Published : 2020.06.30


Purpose: This study was done to describe a community health practitioner's nursing case management for a terminal cancer patient registered in the public health post. Methods: For this purpose, data were collected through the patient and family through home visits, health clinic offices, and phone calls. The nursing process was carried out from August to November 2019. Results: The patient suffered the most from anorexia and lack of energy. Also he expressed psychologically uncertainty about disease and death anxiety caused by long-term treatment. In order to reduce the death anxiety, Community Health Practitioner (CHP) asked him to express his life stories and listened to him. CHP provided information of appropriate medications and alternative foods for symptoms such as gastrointestinal disorders and anorexia to the patient and family. Observing the situation of the patient and family, CHP guided the patient and family to prepare for death and has confirmed to them that the process was not with the patient alone. Conclusion: CHP's this experience has shown the possibility for CHP to help the terminal cancer patient and family to prepare peaceful death in their communities.



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