First Record of Adults of Prosimulium and Twinnia (Diptera: Simuliidae) from Korea

  • Kim, Sam-Kyu (Applied Biology Program, Division of Bio-resource Sciences, Kangwon National University)
  • 투고 : 2020.08.03
  • 심사 : 2020.09.14
  • 발행 : 2020.10.31


Adults of Prosimulium kiotoense and Twinnia japonensis were collected and reported from Korea for the first time. Since adult black flies are notorious for morphological homogeneity particularly in female, larval and pupal characters have been mainly used to identify them. Adults of P. kiotoense can be identified by the following combination of characteristics: Adult, wing with radial sector (Rs) branched into R2+3 and R4+5; hind leg basitarsus without calcipala; first tarsomere without pedisulcus. Female, claw without basal thumblike lobe; hypogenial valve elongate, convex, heavily sclerotized medially, posterior end touching each other, space between valves rhomboid. Male, claw with basal thumblike lobe; ventral plate keel shaped; gonostylus with 2-3 spinules. Adults and pupa of T. japonensis can be identified by the following combination of characteristics: Adult, antenna with 7 flagellomeres. Female, hypogenial valve broad, posterior end of valve not touching each other; cercus elongate, subquadrate; spermatheca slightly wider and long, round. Male, claw with basal thumblike lobe; gonostylus with 1 spinule; ventral plate flat. Pupa, gill of 16 filaments, arising from 3 swollen stalks; abdominal tergites without spine combs except tergites III and IV with small recurved hooks; terminal spine well developed, wavy shaped.



The author would like to express the greatest thanks to P.H. Adler (Clemson Univ., SC, USA) for valuable comments and information on species mentioned in the article.


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