Bifurcation Analysis of a Spatiotemporal Parasite-host System

  • Baek, Hunki (Department of Mathematics Education, Daegu Catholic University)
  • 투고 : 2018.04.25
  • 심사 : 2020.03.07
  • 발행 : 2020.06.30


In this paper, we take into account a parasite-host system with reaction-diffusion. Firstly, we derive conditions for Hopf, Turing, and wave bifurcations of the system in the spatial domain by means of linear stability and bifurcation analysis. Secondly, we display numerical simulations in order to investigate Turing pattern formation. In fact, the numerical simulation discloses that typical Turing patterns, such as spotted, spot-stripelike mixtures and stripelike patterns, can be formed. In this study, we show that typical Turing patterns, which are well known in predator-prey systems ([7, 18, 25]), can be observed in a parasite-host system as well.



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