• Begen, Selin (Department of Mathematics, Gazi University) ;
  • Ilarslan, H. Gul Ince (Department of Mathematics, Gazi University)
  • 투고 : 2019.04.26
  • 심사 : 2020.01.29
  • 발행 : 2020.06.25


In this paper, we estimate the degree of approximation by means of the complete modulus of continuity, the partial modulus of continuity, the Lipschitz-type class and Petree's K-functional for the bivariate Szász-Kantorovich operators based on Brenke-type polynomials. Later, we construct Generalized Boolean Sum operators associated with combinations of the Szász-Kantorovich operators based on Brenke-type polynomials. In addition, we obtain the rate of convergence for the GBS operators with the help of the mixed modulus of continuity and the Lipschitz class of the Bögel continuous functions.



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