The Effect of Medical Tourism Education Service Quality on Education Satisfaction and Transfer of Education Training: Focusing on the Moderating Roles of Organizational Characteristics and National Relations

의료관광교육 서비스품질이 교육만족도 및 교육훈련전이에 미치는 영향: 조직특성 및 국가관계의 조절효과를 중심으로

  • 고현정 (경희대학교 경영대학원) ;
  • 강은경 (경희대학교 일반대학원 경영학과) ;
  • 양성병 (경희대학교 경영대학 경영학과)
  • Received : 2020.06.02
  • Accepted : 2020.06.08
  • Published : 2020.06.30


The medical tourism industry, a convergence of medical services and tourism, has been getting more and more popularity as a new value-added industry in the 21st century. Accordingly, the number of professional workers within this industry has been increasing, and the role of educational institutions to cultivate well-equipped human resources has also become critical. However, compared to practically activated medical tourism-related education programs, studies investigating the effectiveness of these education programs are relatively rare. Therefore, this study attempts to examine the effect of five dimensions of medical tourism education service quality (i.e., tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy) on learners' education satisfaction and transfer of education training. In addition, the moderating roles of national relations as well as organizational characteristics (i.e., transfer climate and support of supervisors and colleagues) in the relationship between education satisfaction and transfer of education training are further verified. The results of the structural equation model (SEM) using 151 samples from respondents with experience in completing medical tourism education programs reveal that tangibles, reliability, and assurance are found to have a significant impact on education satisfaction, which in turn leads to a high level of transfer of education training. Moreover, it is found that national relations and support of supervisors and colleagues play a moderating role. This study would provide guidelines for improving the efficiency of educational institutions, creating outcomes for learners' affiliated firms (e.g., hospitals), and promoting medical tourism at the national level from the perspective of medical tourism education.



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Cited by

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