Determinants of Growth of Public Technology Based Start-up: Focused on Subsequent Support of Technology Subject

공공기술 기반 창업기업 성장 결정요인: 기술주체의 후속지원을 중심으로

  • 봉강호 (건국대학교 기술경영학과)
  • Received : 2020.02.27
  • Accepted : 2020.04.01
  • Published : 2020.06.30


A plan to promote public technology-based start-ups as a way to enhance the use of public technology has been emphasized. However, the problem of creating commercial value has persisted due to the lack of reproducibility and readiness of public technology. Although gap exists in the linking process between the public and private sector, it is difficult to find objective empirical evidence as most of them are only qualitative research. Our empirical works examine the impact of subsequent support of the public research institute on the commercialization of public technologies. Then, we analyze how commercialization of public technologies affects the growth of technology-based startups using 2-stage least square (2SLS) model. We find that the linkage with the technology subject contribute to the successful commercialization of public technology, and further to the survival and growth of technology-based start-ups. Our finding suggests that knowledge management system, to facilitate interaction between technology developer and consumers, is needed for the success of public technology-based start-ups.



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