道成肉身的神格对比 - 大巡真理会九天上帝姜甑山与北宋道教长生大帝宋徽宗 -

A Comparison of the Incarnations of Two Godheads: Gucheon Sangje (Kang Jeungsan) of Daesoon Jinrihoe and Chengsheng Dadi (Emperor Huizong) of Daoism During the Northern Song

  • Yu, Ding-ching (the Community College of the University of Hong Kong)
  • 투고 : 2020.10.03
  • 심사 : 2020.12.08
  • 발행 : 2020.12.31


至上神道成肉身下临凡世, 为人间拨乱反正, 在大巡真理会祂成为的姜甑山。由于大巡真理会也被中国学者视为韩国新道教, 道主赵鼎山又为姜甑山上名为「九天应元雷声普化天尊」, 中文学界常因而望文生义, 以道教的九天应元雷声普化天尊作对比研究, 然而, 中国道教神谱的九天应元雷声普化天尊只是次级的气象神, 更未道成肉身。本文发现只有宋徽宗堪与姜甑山比较, 因祂也是至上神的道成肉身, 承行降生救世的神圣使命。透过伊利亚德宗教现象学「原型」与「象征」理论, 本文发现由于救世使命的不同, 两位至上神的神格核心原型各异。姜甑山为解天地人神怨结, 开辟后天人间仙境, 以「创世原初时间原型」的核心神格, 重塑世界至混沌之初以完全消除过去, 根本性, 质变地开创新时代 ; 宋徽宗为编收异端佛教入神圣之中, 拯救人民于讹俗, 以「宇宙中心原型」建立向外幅射的等级次第, 将佛教由野蛮宇宙化为秩序。二者的核心神格, 展现了时空之异。在原型核心神格之外, 祂们的外延次级象征神格却大异其趣。宋徽宗一如普遍的至上神, 建立秩序法则后退隠为逊位神「天象征」, 祂的神力专业化为林灵素的「气象象征」 ; 姜甑山则截然不同, 祂无时无刻地以各种次级象征证明祂的三界大权, 摘其要者, 分别为治病与死而复的「月象征」,从混沌中建立秩序的「水象征」, 以及将世俗投入神圣的深刻宗教经验的「光象征」。

In Daesoon Jinrihoe, the Supreme God descended into the mortal world by incarnating as Kang Jeungsan to save the world from imminent disaster. Daesoon Jinrihoe is regarded by some Chinese scholars as a new Korean Daoism, and Jo Jeong-san, the Lord of the Dao in Daesoon Jinrihoe, revealed the Supreme God's name to "Gucheon Eungwon Noeseong Bohwa Cheonjon Kangseong Sangje." Comparative studies are often conducted to highlight the similarities between this god and the nearly identically named god in Chinese Daoism. However, this Chinese god is only a god of natural phenomena and has no previous connections to descension into the world via human incarnation. My research has determined that the closest basis for comparison would be Emperor Huizong within the context of Northern Song Dynasty Daoism. In the Daoism of that time period, he was understood to be the Supreme God who incarnated as a human to save the world. Borrowing Eliade's Phenomenology of Religion, this paper has discovered that core archetypes of these two godheads are different due to their different soteriological missions. In order to solve the grievances among humans, divine beings, heaven, and the afterworld, Kang Jeungsan actualized the Earthly Paradise of Later World. Drawing on the archetypal notion of an Original Time, he reshaped the world into the beginning of chaos to completely eliminate the past, and to create a fundamentally and qualitatively new era. On the other hand, Emperor Huizong tried to absorb what he viewed as heretical Buddhism into something sacred that could be used to save people from its harm. He established a hierarchy radiating from the archetypal notion of the Center of the Universe, and he cosmosized Buddhism, which he viewed as barbaric, into that order. Their core godheads mainly show differences in terms of time and space. Additionally, their extended sub-godhead symbols are quite different. Emperor Huizong, like the common supreme gods of other religions, established law of order, and then retreated as the symbol of heaven, the abdicated god. His divine power was specialized as Lin Lingsu's symbol of natural phenomena. Kang Jeungsan was completely different. He always proved his power over the three realms through different symbols. The main symbols he used were the moon for healing and resurrection, water for establishing order from chaos, and light for enabling secular individuals to experience sacred profundity.



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