An assessment of machine learning models for slump flow and examining redundant features

  • Unlu, Ramazan (Management and Information Systems, Gumushane University)
  • 투고 : 2018.12.17
  • 심사 : 2020.05.24
  • 발행 : 2020.06.25


Over the years, several machine learning approaches have been proposed and utilized to create a prediction model for the high-performance concrete (HPC) slump flow. Despite HPC is a highly complex material, predicting its pattern is a rather ambitious process. Hence, choosing and applying the correct method remain a crucial task. Like some other problems, prediction of HPC slump flow suffers from abnormal attributes which might both have an influence on prediction accuracy and increases variance. In recent years, different studies are proposed to optimize the prediction accuracy for HPC slump flow. However, more state-of-the-art regression algorithms can be implemented to create a better model. This study focuses on several methods with different mathematical backgrounds to get the best possible results. Four well-known algorithms Support Vector Regression, M5P Trees, Random Forest, and MLPReg are implemented with optimum parameters as base learners. Also, redundant features are examined to better understand both how ingredients influence on prediction models and whether possible to achieve acceptable results with a few components. Based on the findings, the MLPReg algorithm with optimum parameters gives better results than others in terms of commonly used statistical error evaluation metrics. Besides, chosen algorithms can give rather accurate results using just a few attributes of a slump flow dataset.



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