동의보감·내경편 독활(獨活)의 용법을 통해 본 한의학 기초와 임상의 연계 교육 방안

Bridging Basic Knowledge and Clinical Practice in the Education of Traditional Korean Medicine: A case of Pubescent Angelica usages in Internal Bodily Elements section, Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine

  • 투고 : 2019.10.21
  • 심사 : 2019.11.19
  • 발행 : 2020.05.31


Pubescent Angelica is generally used in musculoskeletal diseases of lower extremity, itching, external contraction (外感) and furuncle, with the effect of dispelling wind, draining dampness, dispersing the external (解表) and stopping pain. The disease parts of Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine (東醫寶鑑) contain 121 examples of the usage of Pubescent Angelica. Cases of musculoskeletal diseases and itching are mainly in the External Bodily Elements section (外形篇), and those of external contraction and furuncle are mainly in the Miscellaneous Disorder section (雜病篇). Internal Bodily Elements section (內景篇) has 10 prescriptions that involve Pubescent Angelica, in Dreams (2), Voice (1), Uterus (4), Parasites (1), and Feces (2) chapters. Their specific symptoms are insomnia and sleep paralysis (Dreams), loss of voice due to external contraction (Voice), uterine hemorrhage (Uterus), phthisis (Parasites), and constipation and diarrhea (Feces). It is not easy for students beginning their clinical training to link the effects of Pubescent Angelica and its actual usage, especially in the area of internal medicine. By Analyzing the whole cases of Pubescent Angelica in the Treasured Mirror, we found various usages out of reach of basic knowledge of the herb. Such method can be utilized not only in developing herbal knowledge-based products, but also in improving Korean medicine education, by enhancing the occupational competency bridging basic and clinical knowledge.



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