A Study on User Satisfaction of Information Facilities for the Visually Impaired

시각장애인의 실내안내시설 설치 이용만족도에 관한 연구

  • 김인배 (건축학과, 서울과학기술대학교) ;
  • 김원필 (건축학과, 서울과학기술대학교)
  • Received : 2020.04.21
  • Accepted : 2020.05.20
  • Published : 2020.06.15


Purpose: The ratio of the visually impaired is gradually increasing due to various causes such as natural aging, accidents, and environmental changes. Therefore, this study has two folds. Firstly, it aims to analyze the current satisfaction level with information facilities for the visually impaired. Secondly, it aims to examine the factors affecting the satisfaction with indoor information facilities. Through this study, it helps to identify problems of information facilities for the visually impaired and it works as a practical data for further improvements. Methods: For 50 visually impaired people, a telephone survey was conducted on the satisfaction with the braille blocks, braille signboards, braille information boards with tactile map, audio guide devices, and safety egress devices. Microsoft Excel and SPSS 26.0 were used for the analysis. Results: It was confirmed that the overall satisfaction with the indoor information facilities was very low. The more the visually impaired people recognized the installation standards, and the better the maintenance was, the higher the satisfaction. In the case of braille blocks and braille signboards, the effect of information transfer on satisfaction was relatively high. In the case of audio guide device and safety egress device, the standard suitability influenced satisfaction. Implications: The low level of satisfaction with the overall information facilities can impede visually impaired people from receiving practical help through the information facilities. Factors influencing the satisfaction level of each facility were identified, which makes it possible to prepare effective improvement measures.



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