Estimation of the chemical compositions and corresponding microstructures of AgInCd absorber under irradiation condition

  • Chen, Hongsheng (Shenzhen Clean Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Long, Chongsheng (Science and Technology on Reactor Fuel and Materials Laboratory, Nuclear Power Institute of China) ;
  • Xiao, Hongxing (Science and Technology on Reactor Fuel and Materials Laboratory, Nuclear Power Institute of China) ;
  • Wei, Tianguo (Science and Technology on Reactor Fuel and Materials Laboratory, Nuclear Power Institute of China) ;
  • Le, Guan (Shenzhen Clean Energy Research Institute)
  • 투고 : 2019.05.16
  • 심사 : 2019.07.24
  • 발행 : 2020.02.25


AgInCd alloy is widely used as neutron absorber in nuclear reactors. However, the AgInCd control rods may fail during service due to the irradiation swelling. In the present study, a calculational method is proposed to calculate the composition change of the AgInCd absorber. Calculated results show that neutron fluence has significant impact on the chemical compositions. Ag and In contents gradually decrease while Cd and Sn conversely increases from the center to the rim of AgInCd absorber due to the depression of neutron flux. The composition change at the surface is higher almost two times than that at the center. Based on the calculated compositions, six simulated AgInCdSn alloys were prepared and examined. With the increase of Cd and Sn, the simulated AgInCdSn alloys transform from a single fcc phase into the mixed fcc and hcp phases, and finally into the single hcp phase. The atomic volume of the hcp phase is obviously larger than the fcc phase. The fcc-hcp transformation results in considerable volume swelling of the AgInCd absorber. Moreover, the lattice parameters of the fcc and hcp phases gradually increase with Cd and Sn contents, which also can induce small volume swelling.



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