Elementary School Teachers' and Preservice Elementary School Teachers' Actual and Preferred Types of Science Assessment

초등교사와 예비초등교사의 과학평가 실태와 지향

  • Received : 2019.12.15
  • Accepted : 2019.12.29
  • Published : 2020.02.29


In this study, we investigated elementary and preservice elementary school teachers' actual and preferred types of science assessment focusing on the purpose and the method of assessment. Participants were 75 elementary school teachers and 93 preservice elementary school teachers. The questionnaire adopted from previous relevant studies was administerd in order to examine the types of assessment which the teachers have actually implemented and the preferred types of assessment for hypothetical situations known as the prototypical examples of constructivist assessment. The results revealed that most teachers and preservice teachers tend to possess the summative-oriented purpose of assessment. An affective assessment purpose focused on evaluating students' interest, attitude, and curiosity toward science was newly identified in this study. In analyzing teachers' responses from the viewpoint of the method of science assessment, responses of an informal mode such as observation and portfolio were noticeable. However, most of them were found to correspond to the traditional summative-oriented purpose of assessment. For prototypical constuctivist assessment situations, teachers and preservice teachers were found to prefer the performance and the informal modes than the measurement mode of the assessment methods, whereas their purposes of the assessment were not found to be constructivist.



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