A Study of Rules in Public Sector Organizations and Forms of Support for Conservation and Practical Use of Architectural Heritage - Focused on the Case of Spain -

건축자산의 실질적 보전 및 활용을 위한 공공의 역할 연구 - 스페인 사례를 대상으로 -

  • 윤혜영 (인천연구원 도시기반연구실) ;
  • 기윤환 (인천연구원 도시기반연구실)
  • Received : 2020.02.20
  • Accepted : 2020.03.30
  • Published : 2020.04.30


The purpose of this study is to suggest public roles and responsibilities about Architecture Heritage under Act on Value Enhancement of Hanok and Other Architecture Asset by analyzing the Architecture Heritage System of Spain. The case study on Spain, Catalonia, Barcelona's Act of architectural heritage was conducted to analyze the laws and guidelines related to Architectural Heritage and to confirm the perspective on Architectural Heritage and roles by subjects through interviews with the department in charge. The role of the central governments is to the responsibility of preservation that can be offset by create incentives and expand programs to create consensus among citizens. The architecture asset survey, which is the responsibility of the municipal governments, should increase confidence by the detailed survey to define the authority and role of the basic local government. And the municipal governments must increase the architectural heritage more support and incentive. Excellence architectural assets must diversify the range of incentive and preservation, and ask for registration that various subjects can apply it by expanding category of application to public sector, non-governmental organization, citizens rather than an owner.



이 연구는 인천광역시 건축자산 기초조사 및 진흥시행계획 수립용역 내용의 일부를 기초로 수정보완하였습니다.


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