잠복결핵감염 양성인 분진작업 근로자에서 활동성 결핵 발병률

Development of Active Tuberculosis among Former Dusty Workers who Diagnosed with Latent Tuberculosis Infection

  • 황주환 (근로복지공단 직업환경연구원 발병기전연구부)
  • Hwang, Joo Hwan (Department of Pathogenic Laboratory Research, Institute of Occupation and Environment, the Korea Workers' Compensation and Welfare Service)
  • 투고 : 2020.01.17
  • 심사 : 2020.03.23
  • 발행 : 2020.03.31


Objectives: Previous study has shown that the positive rate of latent tuberculosis infection(LTBI) among former workers in dusty environments was higher than that among high-risk groups of tuberculosis(TB). The objective of the present study was to identify the development of active TB among former workers in dusty environments diagnosed with LTBI. Methods: Between January 2015 and May 2017, 796 former workers in dusty environments who had been subjects of epidemiology research for work-related chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) had received the QuantiFERON-TB® Gold In-Tube(QFT-GIT) from the Institute of Occupation and Environment(IOE) under the Korea Workers' Compensation and Welfare Service(KCOMWEL). Among them, 437 participants who received a health examination for work-related pneumoconiosis between January 2015 and December 2018 were selected as study subjects. Active TB was defined as a positive result for active PTB and non-tuberculosis mycobacteria infection in the result of the Pneumoconiosis Examination Council's assessment by KCOMWEL. Results: A total of 437 subjects were followed up for 2.1 years. Four of them(4/437, 0.9%) developed active TB during the follow-up period. The attack rate of active TB among subjects who were diagnosed LTBI positive and those who were diagnosed LTBI negative were 0.9%(3/320) and 0.9%(1/115), respectively. Conclusions: Most previous studies reported that the attack rate of the development of active TB in subjects who had been diagnosed LTBI positive was higher than that among subjects who had been diagnosed LTBI negative. To the contrary, the present study found that the rate of developing active TB among former workers in dusty environments diagnosed as LTBI positive was not higher than that in those who were diagnosed LTBI negative.



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