문제 중심 학습(PBL)에 기반한 수업 지도 내용 탐색 -대학에서의 수학교육 관련 이론을 대상으로-

Investigation on the Instructional Content based on Problem Based Learning by the Subject of the theories of Mathematics Education in College

  • 투고 : 2020.02.07
  • 심사 : 2020.02.26
  • 발행 : 2020.02.29


Problem Based learning(PBL) is a teaching and learning method to increase mathematical ability and help achieving mathematical concepts and principles through problem solving using the learner's mathematical prerequisite knowledge. In addition, the recent instructional situations or environments have focused on the learner's self construction of his learning and its process. In spite of such a quite attention, it is not easy to apply and execute PBL program actually in class. Especially, there are some difficulties in actually applying and practicing PBL in the areas of mathematics education in not only secondary school but also in college. Its reason is that in order to conduct PBL instruction constantly in real or experimental class there is no more concrete and detailed instructional content during the consistent and long period. However, to whom is related to mathematics education including instructors called scaffolders, investigation and recognition on the degree of the learner's acquisition of mathematical thinking skills and strategies is an very important work. By the reason, in this study, the instructional content was to be explored and developed to be conducted during 15 weeks in one semester, which was based on Problem Based Learning environment by the subject of the theories relevant to mathematics education in the college of education.



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