공동주택 리모델링 수요에 대응한 정책 추진방안

Policy Direction in Responses to Demand for Apartment Remodeling

  • 투고 : 2019.11.24
  • 심사 : 2020.01.07
  • 발행 : 2020.01.30


This study aims to seek a proper policy direction in response to the demand for apartment remodeling. As the research methods, we diagnosed the current status of the remodeling policy and analyzed the demand for apartment remodeling nationwide. According to the result of analysis, we suggested the fundamental direction and tasks for remodeling policies to be pursued at the government level. The results of the study are summarized as follows. First, the result of analysis showed that the demand for environmental improvement(performance improvement) remodeling project was much higher than other types of remodeling projects. The percentage of unit increased-type remodeling that can secure business feasibility is about 10% and only 30% when it comes to reducing project costs. The remaining 70-90% need to be promoted in environmental improvement remodeling projects which dependent on the residents' payment. Second, in order to prepare a policy action plan in response to the demand for apartment remodeling, it is necessary to set up clear policy goals and strategies for apartment remodeling in advance at the national level. Along with proactive goals and strategies, graded policy support should be accompanied per type of remodeling and business demand. We also suggest to simplify administrative procedures and support the R&D research to develop technologies. It would help to utilize the unit increased-type remodeling. On the other hand, for utilizing the environmental improvement remodeling which takes up a relatively high proportion, the policy should take care of as follows: offering housing performance information, rationalizing long term repair reserve, fostering small companies and experts. Finally, apartment management system should be advanced from the perspectives of managing old apartments and institutional foundations such as new construction and customized regulations for differentiated remodeling should be accompanied.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 국토교통부

이 연구는 2015~2019년 국토교통부 주거환경연구사업 연구비지원에 의해 진행되었으며, 건축도시공간연구소에서 수행한 「저비용·고효율 노후 공동주택 리모델링 활성화를 위한 제도 및 사업모델 개발(1·2·3·4차년도)」 연구 결과의 일부를 보완·발전시켜 작성한 것임.


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