우리나라 정보시스템 연구에서 근거이론방법론 현황 분석과 적용 지침 제시

An Analysis of Current State of Grounded Theory Methodology in Korean Information Systems Research with Suggestion of its Application Guidelines

  • 투고 : 2020.03.03
  • 심사 : 2020.03.11
  • 발행 : 2020.03.31


Purpose The purpose of this study is to analyze the current state of grounded theory methodology in Korea information systems studies and to suggest its application strategies. Design/methodology/approach After reviewing previous studies, this study reviewed 16 papers which adopted grounded theory methodology and analyzed these papers by two ways, research contents and methods adopted from grounded theory methodology: Main characteristics in grounded theory methodology are selected as main criteria in analysis such as data collection method, constant comparison, software use, coding ways, suggested model, proposition suggestion etc., while subject, theory/practice orientation, and role of prior knowledge are included in research contents. Findings Based on the review and analysis, this paper suggested four guidelines for adopting grounded theory methodology to information systems research in Korea: First, division of research methodology into stages. Second, explicit documentation of research process. Third, pursuit of diversity in research topics. Fourth, strengthening scale up and theoretical integration.



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