Comparative Analysis of the Serratus Anterior Muscle Activity When Right and Left Knee Lift during Quadruped Position on Push Up Plus

  • Nam, KiSeok (Department of Physical Therapy, Yeungnam University College) ;
  • Kim, JiWoong (Department of Physical Therapy, Yeungnam University College) ;
  • Park, JiWon (Department of Physical Therapy, College of Bio and Medical Science, Daegu Catholic University)
  • Received : 2020.02.05
  • Accepted : 2020.02.20
  • Published : 2020.02.29


Purpose: This study examined the effects of the right or left knee lift during push up plus in the quadruped position on the serratus anterior (SA) muscle activity. Methods: Twenty-one subjects (male 11, female 10) performed the quadruped position on push up plus. The muscle activities of the lower trapezius (LT), SA, and upper trapezius (UT) were measured by surface electromyography. Repeated measurements of one-way ANOVA were performed for statistical analysis of the data, and the criterion for statistical significance was set to p<0.05 and comparative analysis of the UT and SA ratio using a Paired t-test. Results: The right SA increased the muscle activity of the right knee lift during quadruped position push up plus (p<0.05). In particular, the right SA muscle activity was higher than the left. In addition, comparative analysis of the UT and SA ratio to the right knee lift during quadruped position push up plus was performed (p<0.05). The right was found to be a significant statistic compared to the left, but the left SA increased the muscle activity of the left knee lift during quadruped position push up plus (p<0.05). The left SA muscle activity was higher than right. In addition, comparative analysis of UT and SA ratio to the left knee lift during quadruped position push up plus was performed (p<0.05). The left was found to be a significance statistic than the right. In addition, the interaction effect between the groups showed significant differences (p<0.05). Conclusion: Knee lift during push up plus is recommended for the selective activation of a research exercise protocol of one side of the serratus anterior.



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