Axisymmetric bending of a circular plate with symmetrically varying mechanical properties under a concentrated force

  • 투고 : 2019.10.17
  • 심사 : 2020.02.17
  • 발행 : 2020.03.25


The subject of the paper is a circular plate with symmetrically thickness-wise varying mechanical properties. The plate is simply supported and carries a concentrated force located in its centre. The axisymmetric bending problem of the plate with consideration of the shear effect is analytically and numerically studied. A nonlinear function of deformation of the straight line normal to the plate neutral surface is assumed. Two differential equations of equilibrium based on the principle of stationary potential energy are obtained. The system of equations is analytically solved and the maximum deflections and shear coefficients for example plates are derived. Moreover, the maximum deflections of the plates are calculated numerically (FEM), for comparison with the analytical results.



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