A Study on the Configuration Modeling and Aerodynamic Analysis of Small Airplanes for Flight Training

교육용 소형 항공기의 형상 모델링과 공력 분석에 관한 연구

  • 조환기 (청주대학교 항공학부 항공운항학과)
  • Received : 2020.03.01
  • Accepted : 2020.03.26
  • Published : 2020.03.31


This paper presents comparative results of configuration modeling and aerodynamic analysis to single-engine airplanes such as C-172, SR-20, and DA40NG. The software OpenVSP was used as an airplane configuration modeling tool. OpenVSP can provide the fastest method to get three-dimensional aircraft configuration from given basic data and drawings of aircraft. Parametric design input in OpenVSP, from given aircraft geometric parameters, was applied to small airplanes mentioned. New aircraft models in this study were reversely designed to coincide with the publicly obtained dimensions of the original aircraft. The basic aerodynamic analysis of newly designed modeling aircraft was performed by the vortex lattice method. Results are shown that the similarity of aerodynamic data obtained except for the lack of DA40NG. In conclusion, the modeling process applied to this work is valuable to obtain conceptual design insight in the reverse design from the small airplanes currently in use for flight training.



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