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- interview contents with Nanum Food
- internal data of Nanum Food
- Internal data of Nanum Food ;interview contents
- G. C. Lee & K. S. Kim. (2011), Revitalization of Social Enterprises and Rural Areas in Korea. Korea Rural Economic Institute Research Report, D334, pp. 52-91.
- M. S. Jeong. (2016). Social Economy' Project as a Local Development Strategy: A Case Study of Jinan-gun and Wanju-gun in Jeollabuk-do, Seoul National University, Doctoral Dissertation, 150-173.
- S. Y. Gouk, J. E. Lim & H. Y. Lee. (2018), Policy Tasks for the Development of the Rural Social Economy.Korea Rural Economic Institute. R849, 21(quote from S.K.Kim.,etc. 2014: 99)