Zengcheng Kaifangfa and Zeros of Polynomials

증승개방법(增乘開方法)과 다항방정식(多項方程式)의 해(解)

  • Received : 2020.12.21
  • Accepted : 2020.12.31
  • Published : 2020.12.31


Extending the method of extractions of square and cube roots in Jiuzhang Suanshu, Jia Xian introduced zengcheng kaifangfa in the 11th century. The process of zengcheng kaifangfa is exactly the same with that in Ruffini-Horner method introduced in the 19th century. The latter is based on the synthetic divisions, but zengcheng kaifangfa uses the binomial expansions. Since zengcheng kaifangfa is based on binomial expansions, traditional mathematicians in East Asia could not relate the fact that solutions of polynomial equation p(x) = 0 are determined by the linear factorization of p(x). The purpose of this paper is to reveal the difference between the mathematical structures of zengcheng kaifangfa and Ruffini-Honer method. For this object, we first discuss the reasons for zengcheng kaifangfa having difficulties to connect solutions with linear factors. Furthermore, investigating multiple solutions of equations constructed by tianyuanshu, we show differences between two methods and the structure of word problems in the East Asian mathematics.



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