A Study on the OTT Evaluation Factors Using AHP

AHP를 이용한 OTT 평가요인에 관한 연구

  • 서창갑 (동명대학교 경영정보학과)
  • Received : 2020.12.07
  • Accepted : 2020.12.28
  • Published : 2020.12.31


Purpose Due to COVID19, the over-the-top media service (OTT) market is growing faster than expected at an annual average of 26.4%. In Korea, WAVVE, which integrated SKT's Oksusu and POOQ in September 2019, outperformed Netflix in the number of users immediately after its launch, but the number of users gradually decreased. Research on OTT investigated the spread of new media due to changes in regulations or policy, mostly in broadcasting media. On the other hand, OTT research in information systems began after the success of Netflix. It investigated consumers' satisfaction with information technology using the Information Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This study investigates changes in consumer perceptions in the OTT market, which has grown after the Netflix's entry into Korea, the emergence of WAVVE and new OTT service providers, and the spread of COVID19. Design/methodology/approach This study selects contents, fees, service quality, and additional services as factors to evaluate consumer perception using AHP. Findings According to the 101 respondents, the content was the most important factor, followed by service quality, fees, and additional services. Contrary to previous findings that price is the determining factor in service adoption, this study reveals that consumers are willing to pay a reasonable amount for rich content and excellent service quality. Future research will use demographic analysis to reveal differences in consumer's perceptions of service selection.



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