국내에서 시판중인 조개류의 세포독성 평가

Cytotoxicity Assessment of Shellfishes from Domestic Fish Market

  • 김영상 (제주대학교 해양생명과학부) ;
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  • 제준건 (제주대학교 해양생명과학부) ;
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  • 전유진 (제주대학교 해양생명과학부)
  • Kim, Young-Sang (Department of Marine Life Sciences, School of Marine Biomedical Sciences, Jeju National University) ;
  • Jayawardena, Thilina U. (Department of Marine Life Sciences, School of Marine Biomedical Sciences, Jeju National University) ;
  • An, Lu Yu (Department of Marine Life Sciences, School of Marine Biomedical Sciences, Jeju National University) ;
  • Je, Jun-Geon (Department of Marine Life Sciences, School of Marine Biomedical Sciences, Jeju National University) ;
  • Nagahawatta, D.P. (Department of Marine Life Sciences, School of Marine Biomedical Sciences, Jeju National University) ;
  • Liyanage, N.M. (Department of Marine Life Sciences, School of Marine Biomedical Sciences, Jeju National University) ;
  • Jeon, You-Jin (Department of Marine Life Sciences, School of Marine Biomedical Sciences, Jeju National University)
  • Received : 2020.11.05
  • Accepted : 2020.12.24
  • Published : 2020.12.31


A variety of shellfish species sold for human consumption are available for purchase in the domestic fish market. The microalgae families inhabit the ocean, where planktons supply the main nutritional resource for the growth of shellfish. Some phytoplanktons produce toxic compounds that are accumulated in shellfish and ultimately cause toxicity in humans. This article reports the cytotoxicity of commercially available shellfish species. Accordingly, hot water extract (HWE) and an aqueous fraction of 50% methanol extract (MEE-AF) showed no significant cytotoxicity on the two cell lines (i.e., HL-60 and Vero cell lines), but 50% methanol extract (MEE) in 3, 6 samples showed 50% cytotoxic effects on HL-60 cells, and 1, 4 samples showed 40%, 20% cytotoxic effects on Vero cells, respectively. In addition, their consequential dichloromethane fractions (MEE-DF) exhibited significant toxicities at the highest concentration (1,000 ㎍/ml) on HL-60 and Vero cells. Since the shellfish samples showed cytotoxicity in the dichloromethane fraction, it is possible that the dichloromethane fraction contains marine toxins. Further research will be needed to identify the toxic components from each sample.



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