ICT 네트워크 기반에서의 스마트 농업 교육 서비스

Smart Farming Education service based on ICT Network

  • 투고 : 2020.08.07
  • 심사 : 2020.08.29
  • 발행 : 2020.11.30


스마트농업 교육 서비스는 농업정보의 확산을 촉진하기 위해 제공되며 농업 정보는 현재의 농업활동, 농산품, 농지에서의 생산자 경험으로부터 추출된다. 스마트농업 교육은 웹 오브젝트 기반의 자기주도형 학습으로 제공되어 공간, 장소, 시간에 제약을 받지 않는다. 본 연구에서는 클라우드를 기반으로 하는 학습관리기능과 감시기능, 학습심사기능 등으로 구성된 스마트농업 교육의 기준 구성도를 제시하여 스마트농업의 확산을 위해 필수적으로 요구되는 스마트 농업 교육 서비스 기술 표준 및 스마트 농업의 보급 과정에서 필요한 네트워크 기반 참조 모델을 제시 한다.

Smart farming education service focuses on the dissemination of farming information that is the farming knowledge, farming skill, and farmer's experiences and knowhow, etc. This farming information is supposed from current activities, farming product and from the experience of farmer on the field. If the information is not available, or if available and not in a form that is amenable to being brought to the end producer then the process stalls at this point. The core component of the automation process for smart farming education service is the creation of a data store which will be a repository for the information of the smart farming education. The farming sector will benefit immensely from the implementation of farming data in farming contents repository which will serve as the knowledge base for the smart farming education service.



  1. Recommendation ITU-T Y.4450/Y.2238 "Overview of Smart Farming based on networks," Jun. 2015.
  2. Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.farms: "The framework and application model for risk mitigation service based on networks," SG13-TD146-R1/WP3, Jul. 2018.
  3. Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.smpp: "Service model for the pre-production stage on Smart Farming," SG13-TD147/WP3, Jul. 2018.
  4. Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.sfes: "Smart Farming Education Service based on u-learning environment," SG13-TD148/WP3, Jul. 2018.
  5. Draft New Recommendation ITU-T Y.saic: "Service model of the Agricultural Information based Convergence Service," SG13-TD149/WP3, Jul. 2018.
  6. Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.ISG-fr: "Framework of IoT-based Smart Greenhouse Service," an output of Question 4/20 meeting, Cairo, May. 2018.
  7. Proposed new Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-SLF "Frame-work and capabilities for Smart Livestock Farming Based on Internet of Things," SG20-TD818-R1, May. 2018.
  8. Contribution, "Internet of Things(IoT) for Smart Water Management and Smart Farming," SG20-C287-R1, May. 2018.