제4차 산업혁명 시대를 위한 초저지연 네트워킹 기술 동향

Research Trend in Ultra-Low Latency Networking for Fourth Industrial Revolution

  • 강태규 (초저지연네트워크연구실) ;
  • 강유화 (초저지연네트워크연구실) ;
  • 유연철 (초저지연네트워크연구실) ;
  • 정태식 (초저지연네트워크연구실)
  • 발행 : 2019.12.01


Ultra-low latency networking is a technology that reduces the end-to-end latency related to transport time-sensitive or mission-critical traffic in a network. As the proliferation of the fourth industrial revolution and 5G mobile communications continues, ultra-low latency networking is emerging as an essential technology for supporting various network applications (such as industrial control, tele-surgery, and unmanned vehicles). In this report, we introduce the ultra-low-latency networking technologies that are in progress, categorized by application area, and examine their up-to-date standard status.



연구 과제번호 : 안전한 무인이동체를 위한 ICT 기반 기술 개발

연구 과제 주관 기관 : 정보통신기획평가원


  1. 3GPP TS 22.261 V16.7.0, "Service requirements for 5G system (Rel-16)," 2019.
  2. Ahmed Nasrallah et al., "Ultra-Low Latency (ULL) Networks: The IEEE TSN and IETF DetNet Standards and Related 5G ULL Research," arXiv:1803.07673, 2019.
  3. Janos Farkas et al., "Time-Sensitive Networks Standards," IEEE Comm. Magazine, June 2018, pp. 20-68.
  4. 유연철 외, "초저지연 인프라 기술," 전자통신동향분석 제 32권 1호, 2017, pp. 13-24.
  5. IEEE Std 802.1Qcc-2018, "IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Bridges and Bridged Networks Amendment 31: Stream Reservation Protocol (SRP) Enhancements and Performance Improvements," 2018.
  6. 3GPP TS 23.501, "System Architecture for the 5G System; Stage 2," 2019.
  7. IEEE Std 802.1AB-2016, "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks-Station and Media Access Control Connectivity Discovery," 2016.
  8. IEEE Std 802.1Q-2014, "Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks-Bridges and Bridged Networks," 2014.
  9. IEEE Std 802.1Qbv-2015, "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks-Bridges and Bridged Networks-Amendment 25: Enhancements for Scheduled Traffic," 2015.
  10. 3GPP TS 38.331, "NR; Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol specification," 2019.
  11. IETF, draft-ietf-detnet-architecture-13, "Deterministic Networking Architecture," 2019.5.
  12. IETF, draft-ietf-detnet-bounded-latency-00, "DetNet Bounded Latency," 2019.7.
  13. IETF, draft-ietf-detnet-ip-01, "DetNet Data Plane: IP," 2019.7.
  14. IETF, draft-ietf-detnet-mpls-01, "DetNet Data Plane: MPLS," 2019.7.
  15. IETF, draft-ietf-detnet-ip-over-mpls-01, "DetNet Data Plane: IP over MPLS," 2019.7.
  16. IETF, draft-ietf-detnet-mpls-over-udp-ip-01, "DetNet Data Plane: MPLS over UDP/IP," 2019.7.
  17. IETF, draft-ietf-detnet-ip-over-tsn-00, "DetNet Data Plane: IP over IEEE 802.1 Time Sensitive Networking (TSN)," 2019.5.
  18. IETF, draft-ietf-detnet-mpls-over-tsn-00, "DetNet Data Plane: MPLS over IEEE 802.1 Time Sensitive Networking (TSN)," 2019.5.
  19. IETF, draft-ietf-detnet-tsn-vpn-over-mpls-00, "DetNet Data Plane: IEEE 802.1 Time Sensitive Networking over MPLS," 2019.5.
  20. IETF, draft-ietf-detnet-flow-information-model-05, "DetNet Flow Information Model," 2019.09.
  21. IETF, draft-ietf-detnet-yang-03, "Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Configuration YANG Model," 2019.7.
  22. 정태식 외, "5G 이동통신 트래픽 지원 FlexE 기반 전달망 기술 표준화 시작," TTA ICT Standard Weekly, 제907호, 2019.