슬라브족과 인도-아리안(Indo-Aryan)족의 동질문화: 슬라브 신화와 언어학적 유사성을 중심으로

Cognate Cultures between Slavs and Indo-Aryans: Slavic Mythology and Their Linguistic & Cultural Affinities

  • 김형섭 (중앙대학교)
  • 발행 : 20190000


This paper examines the affinities and cultural cognates between Slavs and Indo-Aryans from a perspective of Slavic mythology, comparative linguistics, and comparative cultural studies, etc. Of Proto-Indo-European Language Family, Slavic group belongs to the Satem Language group like Indo-Iranian(>Indo-Aryan, Iranian, Nuristani) group. For this reason, there turned out to be many linguistic evidences and cognates that Slavic and Indo-Aryan languages can share in common. Apart from biological DNA analysis that Indo-Aryans are close to Slavs in DNA types, there should be the three factors to support that Slavs and Aryans had contacted a long time before and that moreover, they still have a variety of cognates in languages and cultures, especially, in mythology, too. First, this study takes an exemplary of mythological comparisons with Slavic and Indo-Aryan gods' names, their origins, and their symbols. Secondly, linguistic analysis to compare the two languages is the best way to prove the connections between Slavic and Aryan cultural cognates. Lastly, this research investigates many cultural cognates of living culture and cults, which still remain without being extinct both in Slavs and in Indo-Aryans.
