대장암 환자의 건강정보 탐색 행위와 건강통제위, 통합성이 주관적 건강상태에 미치는 영향

Influences of Health-related Information-Seeking Behavior, the Health Locus of Control, and Sense of Coherence on Self-rated Health in South Korean Patients with Colorectal Cancer

  • 발행 : 20190000


Purpose: Based on the salutogenetic model, the purpose of this study was to identify the levels of health-related information-seeking behavior, and the level of the health locus of control (HLC), sense of coherence (SOC), and self-rated health (SRH) among Korean patients with colorectal cancer, and to identify the factors influencing SRH. Methods: Using a correlation study design, 122 patients with colorectal cancer were recruited. A self-reported questionnaire was used to assess the participants' health-related information-seeking behavior, HLC, SOC, and SRH. Results: Most participants reported health-related information-seeking behaviors. The most frequently sought information included cancer diets, how to improve overall health, therapy methods, and carcinogenesis or metastasis. Throughout the process, participants were concerned about the quality of the information. Patients with information-seeking behaviors reported lower scores in powerful and chance HLC. SRH scores were influenced by being male, not being in a metastasis state, not having a colostomy, and higher SOC scores. Conclusion: Subjective health among patients with colorectal cancer is better if patients are male, have not had a colostomy, and have higher levels of SOC. Further studies need to explore the impact of information-seeking behavior on the health status of these patients in a longitudinal study design.
