Macrotidal Beach Classifications Considering Beach Profiles and Changes: The Case of Beaches in Taean Region (2017-2018)

지형형태와 변화를 반영한 대조차 해빈 분류: 태안지역 해빈을 사례로(2017-2018)

  • 김찬웅 (한국해양수산개발원 해양연구본부)
  • Received : 2019.04.29
  • Accepted : 2019.12.31
  • Published : 2019.12.30


A case study was conducted in Taean region to seek a more detailed macrotidal beach classification than existing beach classification models (Masselink and Short, 1993). Seepage and ridge & runnel were used for classification. On 20 beaches, 68 transects were surveyed 5 times using VRS-GPS. Cross-section area from the transect profiles, mean grain size from sediment analysis, significant wave height from Swan-wave modeling and beach embaymentization from aerial photograph analysis were used to identify the characteristics of the individual types. The transects were classified into 5 types in Taean region; Type 1: low tidal terrace, Type 2: low tidal terrace & ridge, Type 3: dissipative, Type 4: seasonal ridge, and Type 5: ridge & runnel. Generally, seepage was related to coarse sediment size and ridge & runnel was related to high significant wave height. Each type has different characteristics and there was a tendency between the types. The low tidal terrace type had coarse sediments, because this type is excluded from the littoral cell. In this study, the ridge and runnel type could be applied to the classification because the study area is limited only to the macrotidal environment in Taean region.



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