A review of osteosarcopenic obesity related to nutritional intake and exercise

  • Lee, Namju (Kwangwoon University, Institute of Information Technology)
  • 투고 : 2019.08.29
  • 심사 : 2019.09.17
  • 발행 : 2019.09.30


Recently, osteosarcopenic obesity (OSO) has been identified and notified world wide. Therefore, this study reviewed OSO related to lifestyle factors such as nutritional intake and exercise. Due to aging, OSO may be initiated by dietary factors and obesity related factors. Reduced muscle mass and increased fat mass may negatively impact bone health causing OSO. The complication of OSO development should be related to dietary imbalance combined with declined exercise and this may contribute to induce OSO by decreasing bone mass, muscle mass, and increasing obesity with aging. To prevent OSO, reaching peak bone mass and building optimal muscle and fat mass through exercise would be recommended. For treating OSO, balanced dietary intake and regular exercise through a whole life would be needed. In addition, sufficient carbohydrate and fat intake for minimizing protein catabolism would be recommended to prevent OSO. The combination of aerobic exercise and resistance training also would be an effective intervention for OSO population.



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