Arena 시험을 위한 영상처리 기반 탄두 파편 검출 기법

A New Image Processing-Based Fragment Detection Approach for Arena Fragmentation Test

  • 이혁재 (한국과학기술원 전기 및 전자공학부) ;
  • 정찬호 (한밭대학교 전기공학과) ;
  • 박용찬 (국방과학연구소 제8기술연구본부) ;
  • 박웅 (국방과학연구소 제8기술연구본부) ;
  • 손지홍 (국방과학연구소 제8기술연구본부)
  • Lee, Hyukzae (School of Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Jung, Chanho (Department of Electrical Engineering, Hanbat National University) ;
  • Park, Yongchan (The 5th Research and Development Institute, Agency for Defense Development) ;
  • Park, Woong (The 5th Research and Development Institute, Agency for Defense Development) ;
  • Son, Jihong (The 5th Research and Development Institute, Agency for Defense Development)
  • 투고 : 2019.06.05
  • 심사 : 2019.09.27
  • 발행 : 2019.10.05


The Arena Fragmentation Test(AFT) is one of the important tasks for designing a high-explosive warhead. In order to measure the statistics of a warhead in the test, fragments of a warhead that penetrate steel plates are detected by using complex and expensive measuring equipment. In this paper, instead of using specific hardware to measure the statistics of a warhead, we propose to use an image processing based object detection algorithm to detect fragments in AFT. To this end, we use a hard-thresholding method with a brightness feature and apply a morphology filter to remove noise components. We also propose a simple yet effective temporal filtering method to detect only the first penetrating fragments. We show that the performance of the proposed method is comparable to that of a hardware system under the same experimental conditions. Furthermore, the proposed method can produce better results in terms of finding exact positions of fragments.



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