Education Course Model based on AP CSP For Improvement of Computational Thinking

  • Cheon, EunYoung (Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering Chungnam National University)
  • Received : 2019.08.14
  • Accepted : 2019.09.18
  • Published : 2019.09.30


Computational Thinking is one of the biggest issues in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It is a core literacy required not only for SW major but also for all students including them. It is not a simple computer software education, but a coding education based on Computational Thinking, and it should be able to solve the problems in everyday life and to express the process and solutions. However, in the case of students who lack background knowledge on SW and programming languages for development, it is hard to know how to algorithmize problems and express them using computer devices. In this study, we proposed a education course model to improve the students' thinking skills and to express them effectively. In addition, we confirmed whether the non-major students who learned through this education course model can express various problems related to the major field by integrating them with computing accidents and improve the problem solving ability.



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