Seismic performance analysis of steel-brace RC frame using topology optimization

  • Qiao, Shengfang (Guangzhou Institute of Building Science Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Liang, Huqing (Guangzhou Municipal Construction Group Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Tang, Mengxiong (Guangzhou Institute of Building Science Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Wang, Wanying (School of Civil Engineering and Transportation, Guangdong University of Technology) ;
  • Hu, Hesong (Guangzhou Institute of Building Science Co., Ltd.)
  • Received : 2018.11.09
  • Accepted : 2019.04.10
  • Published : 2019.08.25


Seismic performance analysis of steel-brace reinforced concrete (RC) frame using topology optimization in highly seismic region was discussed in this research. Topology optimization based on truss-like material model was used, which was to minimum volume in full-stress method. Optimized bracing systems of low-rise, mid-rise and high-rise RC frames were established, and optimized bracing systems of substructure were also gained under different constraint conditions. Thereafter, different structure models based on optimized bracing systems were proposed and applied. Last, structural strength, structural stiffness, structural ductility, collapse resistant capacity, collapse probability and demolition probability were studied. Moreover, the brace buckling was discussed. The results show that bracing system of RC frame could be derived using topology optimization, and bracing system based on truss-like model could help to resolve numerical instabilities. Bracing system of topology optimization was more effective to enhance structural stiffness and strength, especially in mid-rise and high-rise frames. Moreover, bracing system of topology optimization contributes to increase collapse resistant capacity, as well as reduces collapse probability and accumulated demolition probability. However, brace buckling might weaken beneficial effects.



Supported by : Natural Science Foundation of China, Foundation of Zhuhai Da Hengqin Co. Ltd, China railway 20 bureau group Co. Ltd.


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