This research was financially supported by Xinyang Agriculture and Forestry University Teacher Fund Project (Project No. 201701002).
This paper analyzes the unique consume psychology characteristics of the youth consumer groups, analyzes art collaboration in the cosmetics products design, and takes the cushion cosmetic product as example, and study the expression of art collaboration between the character image and the cosmetic products. The purpose of research is to improve the product value and brand image by analyzes the art collaboration of cosmetics product, In order to provide consumers with novel and personalized product experiences, and to make products more attractive to the youth consumer groups. It can be provided some reference and inspiration for the future direction of cosmetic packaging design for the youth consumer groups.
분석하여 화장품 포장 디자인에 사용된 컬래버레이션 사례를 연구, 특히 쿠션화장품 중 캐릭터 이미지와 컬래버레이션 하여 화장품 디자인에 사용된 사례를 분석하였다. 화장품 디자인 컬래버레이션 연구를 통해 제품 가치와 브랜드 이미지를 제고시키고, 소비자에게 새롭고 개성 있는 제품을 제공하여 젊은층 소비자 그룹을 타겟팅, 유치하는 데 목적이 있다. 이 연구는 향후 화장품 포장 디자인을 하는데 참고할 만한 내용을 제공하리라 기대한다.
This research was financially supported by Xinyang Agriculture and Forestry University Teacher Fund Project (Project No. 201701002).