FIGURE 4. For tetrahedral, octahedral, or icosahedral singularities of type (3, 2); Bhupal-Ono [3, Figure 3], PPSU [11, Figure 6]
FIGURE 5. For tetrahedral, octahedral, or icosahedral singularities of type (3; 1); Bhupal-Ono [3, Figure 5, 6, 10], PPSU [11, Figure 7]
FIGURE 6. T6(5-2)+1[2] :
FIGURE 7. T6(5-2)+1[3] :
FIGURE 8. T6(4-2)+3[3] :
FIGURE 9. T6(4-2)+3[4] :
FIGURE 10. T6(5-2)+3[2] :
FIGURE 11. T6(5-2)+3[4] :
FIGURE 12. T6(5-2)+3[3] :
FIGURE 13. T6(5-2)+3[5] :
FIGURE 14. O12(5-2)+1[2] :
FIGURE 15. O12(5-2)+1[3] :
FIGURE 16. O12(3-2)+7[3] :
FIGURE 17. O12(3-2)+7[4] :
FIGURE 18. O12(5-2)+7[3] :
FIGURE 19. O12(5-2)+7[4] :
FIGURE 20. I30(5-2)+1[2] :
FIGURE 21. I30(5-2)+1[3] :
FIGURE 22. I30(4-2)+7[3] :
FIGURE 23. I30(4-2)+7[4] :
FIGURE 24. I30(5-2)+7[5] :
FIGURE 25. I30(5-2)+7[6] :
FIGURE 25. I30(5-2)+7[2] :
FIGURE 27. I30(5-2)+7[3] :
FIGURE 28. I30(6-2)+7[3] :
FIGURE 29. I30(6-2)+7[4] :
FIGURE 30. I30(4-2)+13[4] :
FIGURE 31. I30(4-2)+13[5] :
FIGURE 32. I30(5-2)+13[2] :
FIGURE 33. I30(5-2)+13[4] :
FIGURE 34. I30(5-2)+13[3] :
FIGURE 35. I30(5-2)+13[5] :
FIGURE 36. I30(5-2)+19[5] :
FIGURE 37. I30(5-2)+19[3] :
FIGURE 1. The dual graphs of the minimal resolutions of non-cyclic quotient singularities
FIGURE 2. The dual graphs of the compactifying divisors of non-cyclic quotient singularities
FIGURE 3. The dual graph of
TABLE 1. The number of P -resolutions; Stevens [16, Table 1], cf. PPSU [11, Remark 6.11]
TABLE 3. Case I vs Case II
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