First report of the lichen Ochrolechia akagiensis (Ochrolechiaceae, Ascomycota) in Korea

  • 투고 : 2019.05.07
  • 심사 : 2019.06.16
  • 발행 : 2019.06.01


The genus Ochrolechia is a widespread, lichen genus in Korea. Despite being common, little is known about the species diversity and geographical distribution of Ochrolechia. In this study, we detailed the identification procedure of the genus Ochrolechia in a Korean collection and provided the description of each species. Using 104 specimens collected from 2003 to 2017, we identified four species of the genus Ochrolechia via morphological and/or molecular phylogenetic analysis: O. parellula, O. trochophora, O. yasudae and O. akagiensis. Among them, O. akagiensis had not been previously reported in Korea. Moreover, the species identified as O. frigida and O. tartarea in past studies were corrected as O. yasudae and O. parellula, respectively, based on morphological and/or molecular evidence. Phylogenetic analysis using the internal transcribed spacer regions including 5.8S rRNA gene showed that the four species separated clearly, indicating that the morphological identification corresponds to the phylogenetic identification. We provide a taxonomic key for the four species of the genus Ochrolechia.



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