자연계열 고등학생의 과학 자기효능감 향상 과정 탐색

An Exploration of the Process of Enhancing Science Self-Efficacy of High School Students in the STEM Track

  • 투고 : 2018.10.31
  • 심사 : 2019.05.17
  • 발행 : 2019.06.30


본 연구는 학생 경험이 과학 자기효능감 향상에 어떻게 영향을 주었는지를 탐색하여, 이를 바탕으로 과학 자기효능감 향상 과정에 대한 구조적 모형을 제안하였다. 본 연구에는 자연계열 고등학생 25명이 연구에 참여하였다. 근거이론에 의한 면담 자료의 코딩을 통해 과학 자기효능감과 관련된 10개의 범주를 도출하고 패러다임 분석을 통해 과학 자기효능감 향상 과정 모형을 개발하였다. 연구 결과, '과학 학습에 대한 기대감'을 가진 학생들이 자연계열을 선택하여 과학을 학습하는 과정에서 '과학 학습에 대한 개인 역량'과 '외부에서의 영향'의 맥락 작용을 통해 과학 자기효능감의 향상이 이루어지며, '내재적 불안 요인'과 '외재적 요인'의 중재적 조건을 받으며, 도입, 향상, 조절, 결과의 4단계를 순환하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이때 중심현상은 '과학 자기효능감 향상'이다. 본 연구 결과는 교육현장에서 학생의 과학 자기효능감에 영향을 주는 교수전략 개발에 필요한 기초 정보를 제공한다.

This study aims to explore the influencing factors and the process of enhancing science self-efficacy (SSE) and to lay the foundation in understanding science self-efficacy of students. The ten categories related to the science self-efficacy were derived through the coding of the interview data based on the grounded theory and paradigm analysis to develop a process model of science self-efficacy improvement. Through the process analysis, four cyclical phases were found in the process of enhancing SSE: 'Entering into learning science' phase, 'enhancing SSE' phase, 'adjustment' phase, and 'result' phase. More specifically, the phase of 'entering into learning science' is where students choose science track and stimulated to construct SSE. The phase of 'enhancing SSE' is where students taking a science track actively learn science and perform science activities. In the phase of 'adjustment', students come to have successful performance about learning science and performing science activities by using diverse strategies. Finally, 'result' phase indicates different appearances of students depending on SSE levels. The phases were non-linear and periodically repeat depending on situation. The core category in the selective coding was indicated to be 'enhancing science self-efficacy.' Students' SSE form by learning science and performing science activities. These finding may help better understand the behavior of students who are taking a science track by facilitating effective science learning through the increase of their SSE levels.


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Figure 1. Four cyclical phases of enhancing SSE

Table 1. Interview questions

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Table 2. Example of open coding

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Table 3. Concepts, sub-categories and categories of science self-efficacy

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Table 4. Level of properties and dimensions of the causal condition

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Table 5. Level of properties and dimensions of the contextual condition

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Table 6. Level of properties and dimensions of the central phenomenon

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Table 7. Level of properties and dimensions of the intervening conditions

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Table 8. Level of properties and dimensions of the action/interaction strategies

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Table 9. Level of properties and dimensions of the consequences

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