직물을 구성하는 실의 시각적 혼색 효과

Visual Color Mixing Effect of Yarns in Textile Fabrics

  • 채영주 (한국표준과학연구원 광학표준센터)
  • Chae, Youngjoo (Division of Physical Metrology, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS))
  • 투고 : 2019.03.18
  • 심사 : 2019.04.17
  • 발행 : 2019.06.30


This research investigated the effect of individual yarn colors on the perception of overall colors of yarn-dyed woven fabrics. The way the colors of yarn-dyed woven fabrics are perceived is known as visual color mixing: when the different colored yarns juxtaposed on the fabric surface are observed from some distance away, they are visually mixed in our eyes and perceived as a solid color. However, we can still see individual yarn colors that make the fabrics look obviously different from actual solid colors. To quantify this visual color mixing effect, twenty-one sateen fabrics were produced in a wide range of colors using cyan, magenta, and yellow yarns, and the colors were measured instrumentally. The obtained colorimetric values were converted into solid color images on a CRT monitor. Then, the physical fabrics were scanned, and the scanned images were displayed on the monitor with solid color images in pairs for visual color difference evaluation. The woven and solid colors in each pair were of physically identical color; however, the visual color difference was as large as $4.81{\Delta}{E^*}_{ab}$ on average. A visual color difference model was proposed by considering this parametric effect of individual yarn colors.



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