Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images Based on Hyper Feature Map in Deep Convolutional Network

  • Shen, Jiaquan (College of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIIT Key Laboratory of Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence) ;
  • Liu, Ningzhong (College of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIIT Key Laboratory of Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence) ;
  • Sun, Han (College of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIIT Key Laboratory of Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence) ;
  • Tao, Xiaoli (College of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIIT Key Laboratory of Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence) ;
  • Li, Qiangyi (College of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIIT Key Laboratory of Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence)
  • 투고 : 2018.09.03
  • 심사 : 2018.11.01
  • 발행 : 2019.04.30


Vehicle detection based on aerial images is an interesting and challenging research topic. Most of the traditional vehicle detection methods are based on the sliding window search algorithm, but these methods are not sufficient for the extraction of object features, and accompanied with heavy computational costs. Recent studies have shown that convolutional neural network algorithm has made a significant progress in computer vision, especially Faster R-CNN. However, this algorithm mainly detects objects in natural scenes, it is not suitable for detecting small object in aerial view. In this paper, an accurate and effective vehicle detection algorithm based on Faster R-CNN is proposed. Our method fuse a hyperactive feature map network with Eltwise model and Concat model, which is more conducive to the extraction of small object features. Moreover, setting suitable anchor boxes based on the size of the object is used in our model, which also effectively improves the performance of the detection. We evaluate the detection performance of our method on the Munich dataset and our collected dataset, with improvements in accuracy and effectivity compared with other methods. Our model achieves 82.2% in recall rate and 90.2% accuracy rate on Munich dataset, which has increased by 2.5 and 1.3 percentage points respectively over the state-of-the-art methods.


1. Introduction

The invention of cars has brought great convenience to our work and life, but with the increase of the number of cars, some problems have been brought, such as traffic accidents, vehicle congestion, vehicle chaos and so on.

At present, Surveillance cameras are installed on the key nodes of the city, such as parkinglots and high-speed roads, it used to take the electronic photos. However, this method cannotintuitively show the traffic conditions of the entire road. With the higher demand for intelligent transportation, the detection technology based on aerial vehicles has attracted the attention of many scholars in recent years [1-8]. The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has the advantages of small volume, flexible maneuverability and convenient portability. The UAV aerial photography can monitor the road condition in an all-round and multi-scale way, which has great advantages in vehicle detection [9-13].

However, vehicle detection based on aerial image still faces many challenges and difficulties. The main reasons are,

1. Aerial images are generally very large but the detected vehicle object is very small. It isindeed difficult to detect so many small vehicle objects in a large range.

2. Vehicles have a variety of styles and colors, and vehicle objects are often accompanied with complex background information such as occlusion, shadows, which brings many difficulties to the detection.

In previous studies, many vehicle detection algorithms based on aerial images have been proposed, and the effectiveness of the algorithm has been improved in the past few years. Mostof these algorithms are based on a sliding-window method which apply the filter to all possiblelocations and scales in the image. Then a classifier such as SVM or AdaBoost classifier wastrained with the obtained features, which used to predict vehicle in each window [14-17]. In [2], the authors present a method that can detect the vehicles without an accurate scale information. The study employe a fast binary detector using integral channel features in a s oft cascade structure, and then a multi-class classifier obtained the orientation and type of thevehicles. This method presents a competitive result in terms of rapidity and effectiveness. However, there are still some drawbacks in this method. Firstly, in terms of feature extraction, the hand-crafted features or shallow-learning based features restrict the ability to extract and represent features. Secondly, there are lots of redundant computations based on sliding window method, which would significantly increases the computational burden.

In recent years, deep learning has made a significant progress in object detection. The deeplearning model has been continuously enriched and its detection performance has also beengreatly improved. There are some typical models worked so well in object detection including R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, YOLO, SSD and so on [18-22]. The Faster R-CNNalgorithm performs much better than the traditional sliding window methods, which achievesstate-of-the-art detection performance. However, it is still facing many problems and challenges to directly apply these algorithms to vehicle detection in aerial images. The main reason is that vehicle detection in aerial images is more difficult than in natural scenes.

In this study, we propose an accurate and effective vehicle detection framework in aerialimages (see Fig. 1). This model creates a hyper feature map (HFM) by fusing Concat layer and Eltwise layer. The Concat layer is used for learning the weights of the fusion of the object information and contextual information, which can reduce the interference of useless background noises. The Eltwise layer uses equivalent weights set manually and fuses the multi-level features, which can enhance the effectiveness of useful context [23]. Our model contains rich detail features and shallow layer information and then fuses these features, which will be more suitable for the detection of small objects. Moreover, we set an appropriate scaleand ratio of the anchor box according the size of object vehicle in the aerial image, which will further improve the effectiveness of the detection.

At the same time, the limited annotation data would easily leads to the model under-fitting, and the large-scale aerial images would reduce the detection speed. In order to overcome two problems mentioned above, we used the methods in [4] and [5] to preprocess the data, segment the aerial image into blocks, and increase the amount of data through rotation. Compared with [2], our method significantly improves the accuracy and efficiency of detection. Compared to [4] and [5], our model is more accurate and effective for feature extraction, and the effectiveness of detection has been further improved. Compared with Faster R-CNN, ourmethod and model are more suitable for small target detection. Moreover, in order to verify the effectiveness of our method, we trained and tested it on the public dataset (Munich dataset) and our collected dataset. The main contribution of our work is: (1) we established an accurate and effective feature extraction and classification method for small targets through HFMnetwork, (2) setting appropriate Anchor box according to the vehicle size, which improved the effectiveness of vehicle detection in the aerial image. (3) Moreover, we established our aerialvehicle image dataset with the ground truth and verified the effectiveness of our method on this dataset.

This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses related works. The proposed methodis detailed in Section 3. Section 4 reports the experimental results. Finally, Section 5 concludesthe paper.


Fig. 1. The framework of our method in vehicle detection

2. Related Work

2.1 Object Detection Based on Traditional Handcrafted Features

The traditional object detection is divided into two parts: feature extraction and classification. At present, Haar wavelet, LBP, SIFT and HOG are the typical handcrafted features in object detection.

The Haar wavelet feature is proposed by Papageorgiou, which is first used for face detection. Paul proposes an integral image method for this feature calculation and adopted the AdaBoostalgorithm to improve the accuracy of object detection. This research is successfully applied t of ace detection [24,25]. The LBP local binary pattern is used to extract the texture features of the image [26], and it has the characteristics of rotation invariance and gray invariance which can extract texture features of images. SIFT scale invariant feature is a local featuredescription operator [27], which can detect the key feature points in the image, and is robust to the transformation of light, noise as well as angle of view in the image. The HOG gradienthistogram algorithm uses sliding window method to filter all possible positions and scales in the image [28]. The detectors determine whether there is a target and the category of the targetaccording to the area passed by the sliding window. The DPM algorithm calculates the gradient histogram of HOG [29], which uses SVM to perform object matching and classification. As an important object detection algorithm, DPM has advantages in postureanalysis and object location.

However, most of the feature extraction used in traditional object detection algorithms aremanually designed, and the performance of the algorithm is unstable, which is mainly based on the understanding of the specific task by the designers, and it has less actual parameters. At the same time, the effectiveness of these object detection models is poor, which can only detecta specific task well, and do not have a good generalization performance. Although traditionalobject detection shows good detection performance for specific task, its disadvantages are also obvious, it cannot meet the requirements of large-scale data at the current stage.

For image classification, Bushra el al. [30] proposed a novel image representation thatincorporates the spatial information to the inverted index of Bag-of-Visual-Words (BoVW)model, which outperformed the existing state-of-the-art in terms of classification accuracy. For image retrieval, Nouman el al. [31] presented an image representation method based on the histograms of triangles. This method added spatial information to the inverted index of bagof features representation, which enhanced the performance of image retrieval. However, the addition of spatial information in these methods inevitably increased the burden of calculation. In [32], the authors presented a novel visual words integration of Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) and Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF), which can be safely recommended as a preferable method for image retrieval tasks. However, these hand-crafted features are not good enough at separating the object from the background in complexenvironments. In object detection, Juang et al. [33] and Chen et al. [34] used hand-crafted features with a support vector machine (SVM) for candidate region classification. However, AdaBoost gradually replaced SVM due to its good performance. Recently, region CNN-based detection methods have achieved great success in object detection, owing to their powerfulfeature representation. The most popular is region-based convolutional neural networks (R-CNN) and their improved methods Fast R-CNN and Faster R-CNN. All of them achievestate-of-the-art performance.

2.2 Deep CNNs for Objection Detection

In recent years, deep learning has played a significant advantage in object detection. The deep learning detection model was constantly improved, and its detection performance has alsobeen greatly improved. There were typical models including R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, YOLO, SSD and so on.

The R-CNN algorithm used a selective search algorithm to generate object-like regions [18], and then extracted deep features for classification by SVM. Although the efficiency of the algorithm has been improved, there were a large number of repeated operations, and the efficiency was not high enough. The Fast R-CNN algorithm [19] has an advantage compared with the R-CNN. In this algorithm, a ROI pooling layer structure was designed to solve a largenumber of repetitive operations in R-CNN, so that the performance of the algorithm was greatly improved. However, the algorithm still needed selective search to generate positive and negative samples, which still restricted the efficiency of the algorithm. The Faster R-CNNalgorithm generated a RPN (Region Proposal Networks) auxiliary network to determine whether there was an object in the candidate box [20], which determined the object type by the multitask loss of the classified location. In Faster R-CNN, the convolution neural network of the whole process can share the feature information, and the computational efficiency has beengreatly improved. The YOLO(You Only Look Once) algorithm was designed based on the idea of regression [21], and the speed of the algorithm has been improved. The YOLO algorithm was based on the global information of the image. The algorithm was trained by the feature of the convolution neural network, it directly predicted the frame coordinates in each grid and the confidence of each class. However, this algorithm has some problems such asincorrect location and low recall rate. The SSD algorithm combined YOLO regression ideas with the anchor box mechanism to predict the region of the object on the feature maps of different convolutional layers [22], which output discrete multi-scale default coordinates. Theresearch used local feature of different scales for regression on the entire image, which can maintain the rapidity of the algorithm and ensure the accuracy of the frame positioning. However, because the algorithm used multi-level feature classification, the characteristics of small objects were not obvious, which has difficulty in detecting small objects.

At present, the Faster R-CNN achieves the most advanced performance in object detection. This algorithm designs the RPN network that assists in sample generation and divides the algorithm structure into two parts. The algorithm first determines whether the candidate frame is object by the RPN network, and then predicts the object type by the multi-tasking loss of the classification and location. The entire network process can share the feature information of the convolutional neural network, which will save the cost of computing and avoid the algorithmaccuracy rate decreasing. But directly using this algorithm for small object detection, especially in aerial images, it still faces many challenges. More details are as follows:

1. In the field of vehicle detection in aerial image, the number of objects are much greater than in natural scene.

2. The size of vehicle in the aerial image is much smaller than that in the natural scene. At the same time, the background of the aerial image is more complex than the natural scene, thusthese increase the difficulty on the location and detection of the object.

3. The size of the aerial image is much larger than that in the natural scene, and the label data of the vehicle is very limited. All these have brought many difficulties and challenges to thevehicle object detection in the aerial image.

Considering the above problems and challenges, we believe that the following two reasonslead to poor performance of Faster R-CNN.

1. The RPN in Faster R-CNN is not suitable for detection of small objects, because the RPNonly combines a relatively rough feature graph, and the small object detection often needs tointegrate richer feature maps, especially the feature information of shallow layers.

2. Faster R-CNN shows good effect on object detection in natural scene, but in aerial image, the scale and size of object is much smaller than that in natural scene, so the size and scale of anchor box designed in Faster R-CNN is not suitable for small object detection.

2.3 Vehicle Detection in Aerial Image

Deep learning takes a huge advantage in object detection, and it becomes an important detection method in the field of object detection. However, the aerial image has its own characteristics, such as the object is small, and easily affected by the shadow, the backgroundis complex and so on. Therefore, the deep learning model mentioned above cannot be directly used for vehicle detection in aerial images, it requires targeted improvement.

In recent years, deep learning model has its advantages in many fields [35-36], and its latestachievements in aerial image target detection are also noticeable [37-42]. Nassim proposed tosegment the aerial image into similar regions, and determined the candidate regions of thevehicle, then located and classified the targets according to the convolutional neural network and SVM classifier [43]. This method can improve the detection speed by segmenting candidate regions, but it was easily affected by the shaded region and the recall rate of detection was not high. The RICNN algorithm was proposed to perform object detection onaerial image [44]. This study trained the rotationally invariant layer and then performed special fine-tuning of the entire RICNN network to further improve the detection performance. However, this algorithm also obviously increased the network overhead. In reference [5], the authors performed vehicle detection in aerial images by adding negative sample marks to the dataset and establishing an HRPN network. The HRPN was a feature fusion on differentnetwork layers, which improves the detection accuracy. However, the algorithm only combined the feature of part of the shallow layer. At the same time, the algorithm was easily affected by the image resolution, and the effectiveness of the algorithm was poor.

Currently, Faster R-CNN achieves state-of-the-art detection performance in the field of object detection. For this reason, in this paper, we make full use of the superior performance of Faster R-CNN in object detection, which establishing a model for the feature extraction of small objects, and set special anchor boxes according to the characteristics of small objects. We validated our model on the public dataset (Munich dataset) and our collected datasets, which show that our method can effectively improve the performance of the detection.

3. Model and Method

The method based on the convolutional neural network has high requirements for GPUmemory in the image processing field, especially for processing large-size images. At the same time, the number of aerial image is less, which can easily lead to under-fitting. For this reason, we augment the dataset according to [4] and [5]. In the training stage, we divide the original large-size image into image blocks, and rotate the blocks with four angles (i.e., 45° , 135° , 225°, and 315°) that expanded the number of samples by fourfold. In the testing stage, the tested results are obtained based on the trained network, and the detection results of image blocks are merged into the original image.

3.1 Hyper Feature Map Network

There are two typical RPN network structures, ZF model [45] and VGG model [46]. The ZF model is a relatively lightweight model, which the parameters are few and the depth of thenetwork is limited. The VGG model shows that the network performance can be improved by increasing the number of network layers. This model shows superior performance. Therefore, in this study, our hyper feature map network is based on the VGG16+Faster R-CNN network model. The network of RPN in Faster R-CNN is passed by the conv5, different from Faster R-CNN, in our model we combine the last three convolution layer with Concat layer and Eltwise layer, and then this two layers extract the features together which transmit to hyperfeature map. The network structure is shown in Fig. 2.

3.1.1 Concat layer and Eltwise layer

The function of the Concat layer is to splice two or more feature maps on the channel or number dimensions. For example, if you splice conv_1 and conv_2 on the number dimension, the number of dimension can be different, and the rest of the dimensions (channel, H, W) must be consistent. The operation at this time is the number k1 of conv_1 plus the number k2 of conv_2, and the blob output of the Concat layer can be expressed as:

\(b l o b_{\text {Concat }}=\left(k_{1}+k_{2}\right) \times C \times H \times W\)       (1)

The Concat layer performs feature fusion on feature maps of different number of dimensions. This operation can increase the representation range of feature maps and increase the amount of information of the feature map. There are three operations in the Eltwise layer: product (point multiplication), sum (addition and subtraction), and max (maximum value), where sum is the default operation. If you want to implement the eltwise sum operation of conv_1 and conv_2, you can add the correspondingelements together. Unlike the operation of the concat layer, the operation of the eltwise layerrequires the shape of the feature maps to be identical, and the blob output of the eltwise layercan be expressed as:

\(b l o b_{E l \text {wise}}=k \times C \times H \times W\)       (2)

In formula (2), \(k=k_{1}=k_{2}\) . The eltwise layer combines two or more layers into one layer, which increases the saliency and effectiveness of the feature.

The differences between Concat layer and Eltwise layer are as follow. First of all, the formof operation is different, the Concat layer splicing two or more feature maps in the channel or number dimension, but the Eltwise layer is to operate on the corresponding elements on the feature map. Secondly, the shape of the feature maps are different, the Concat layer does notrequire the shape of the feature map to be consistent in operation (for example, the dimensions of channel or number can be inconsistent), but the shape of the feature maps must be consistenton the Eltwise layer. Finally, the function is different, the Concat layer can get the targetarchitecture information through the fusion of learning weights, which can reduce the influence of background noise on detection performance. The Eltwise layer uses equivalentweights set manually and fuses the multi-level features, which can improve the utilization of contextual information [23].

In addition, the related research shows that deeper convolutional layers can get higher recall, and lower convolutional layers can get more accurate localization [47]. Therefore, we combine the concatenation module and eltwise module from shallow features and deepfeatures, which can further enhance the effectiveness of the object detection.

3.1.2 Overall Architecture

The overall structure of our model is shown in Fig. 2. The first convolutional layer (conv1_1) takes the training images as input and performs a convolution operation with number outputequal 64, pad equal 1, kernel size equal 3. The conv1_2 executes the same operation as conv1_1 with number output equal 64, pad equal 1, kernel equal 3. Then the conv1_2 is used for ReLu operation to export relu1_2, then the relu1_2 performs MAX pooling operation with kernel size equal 2 and with a stride of two pixels to output pool1. After a series of operations of the first layer convolution, the output of pool1 is the result of feature calculation, and thesize is 351×312×64. Similar to the operation of the first layer, the output characteristics of the second layer, the third layer, and the fourth layer are pool2, pool3 and pool4, the sizes are 175× 156× 128, 87×78×256, and 43×39×512, respectively. Conv5 does not performMAX pooling operations. It performs only three times convolutions and ReLu operationssimilar to the first layer. The output of this layer is conv5_3, so the size of conv5_3 is same as the size of pool4 (43×39×512). In order to make the scale of the conv3 same as the last twolayers, we make pool3 perform the MAX pooling operation with kernel_size equal 2 and the stride equal 2, the output named pool_out and the size is 43×39×256. Then we perform a convolution operation on pool_out with 1×1×512, the output named pool_out_1 and the size is 43×39×512.


Fig. 2. The overall architecture of Hyper Feature Map network

Through the above series of operations, we have made the output of the last three layersconsistent in size. We establish hyper feature maps from three convolutional layers (namelypool 3_out_1, pool4 and Conv5_3), which have the same size but different levels of detailinformation. In addition, because the Concat layer connects the last three layers to a size of 43×39×1536, the Concat layer need to perform a convolution operation with 1×1×512, which will make the size of output same as Eltwise layer. Then perform relu operations on Eltwise layer and Concat layer and transmit the output to hyper feature map. We performed eltwise sum operation with Eltwise layer and Concat layer in the hyper feature map. At this point, the Eltwise module and Concat module complete the fusion of features. As shallower layers are more suitable for location and deeper layers are more suitable for classification, the fused hyper feature map is complementary for small-size vehicle detection.

We perform a series of operations on the characteristics extracted from the RPN layer through "Reshape", "SoftmaxWithLoss", etc., and pass the corresponding feature parameters to the ROI proposal layer and generate the ROI region. The ROI region features are passed to the RCNN, then the cls_score layer and bbox_pred layer are generated through the computation of two fully connected layers (namely fc6 and fc7). The cls_score layer is used to output the predicted score for each category, the size of output is the number of all categories. The bbox_pred layer is used to predict the coordinates of bounding boxes, there are four output values for each category, the corresponding feature vector is loc = (x, y, w, h), where x and y represent the top-left coordinates of the predicted region, whereas, w and h denote the widthand height of the predicted region.

3.1.3 Training Stage

In order to cope with the impact of insufficient training data on the results, we initialize ourmodel with a pre-trained VGG16 model on ImageNet, and then fine tune it with a smallerlearning rate. We perform 80k iterations on our model and set the batch size on 256. In eachiteration, our model predicts the category and bounding boxes of the image blocks. The Intersection-over-Union (IoU) indicates that the ratio of the overlapping of the prediction area and the ground-truth box. If the value of IoU is greater than 0.5, we assign a positive label to it. However, if the IoU is lower than 0.3 for all ground-truth boxes, we assign a negative label to it. Then the rest of the region does not need to be considered. The IoU ratio is defined as follows:

\(\operatorname{IoU}=\frac{\operatorname{area}(C) \cap \operatorname{area}(G)}{\operatorname{area}(C) \cup \operatorname{area}(G)}\)       (3)

Where \(\operatorname{area}(C) \cap \operatorname{area}(G)\) represents the intersection of the vehicle proposal box and ground truth box, and \(\text { area }(C) \cup \operatorname{area}(G)\) represents their union.

All labeled positive and negative samples and related region proposals features are fed to the loss function, and a robust method of object classification and detection is established by iteration. In addition, the multitasking loss function updates network parameters iteratively, the purpose is to minimize the error rate of classification and localization. The \(L_{c l s}\) is a lossfunction for the classification of vehicles and backgrounds in each region by a s of tmaxfunction, and the \(L_{b b r}\) is used for box-regression. Similar to [20], the loss function is defined as shown in formula (4):

\(L\left(p_{i}, l o c_{i}\right)=\frac{1}{N_{c l s}} \sum_{i} L_{c l s}\left(p_{i}, p_{i}^{*}\right)+\lambda \frac{1}{N_{b b r}} \sum_{i} p_{i}^{*} L_{b b r}\left(l o c_{i}, l o c_{i}^{*}\right)\)       (4)

Where i is the index of an anchor in the mini-batch. pi is the score that predicted the probability of anchor i being an object in each region. \(p_{i}^{*}\) is the label of ground-truth, which equal 1 if the anchor is positive, and equal 0 if the anchor is negative. \(t_{i}\) is a vectorrepresenting the 4 parameterized coordinates of the predicted bounding box, and \(t_{i}^{*}\) is the ground-truth box associated with a positive anchor. The two terms are normalized by \(N_{c l s}\) and Nbbr , and the weighted by a balancing parameter λ. In each iteration, the number of positive and negative region boxes are almost the same. Therefore, we set  λ = 2 to make Lcls and Lbbr have the same weight. Moreover, Lbbr denotes a smooth L1 loss, which same as in Fast R-CNN [19]. It is defined as Equation (5):

\(\begin{aligned} &L_{b b r}\left(l o c, l o c^{*}\right)=f_{L 1}\left(l o c_{i}-l o c_{i}^{*}\right)\\ &f_{L 1}(x)=\left\{\begin{array}{l} {0.5 x^{2}, \text { if }|x|<1} \\ {|x|-0.5, \text { otherwise }} \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}\)       (5)

In Equation 5, loc represents the predicted value of the vector loc = (x, y, w, h) in eachregion, and loc* represents the ground-truth box of the related object vector. The loc and loc* represent the predicted bounding box and ground-truth bounding box respectively. The \(f_{L 1}(x)\) is a robust smooth L1 loss that less sensitive to outliers. In addition, the parameters of weight are initialized in the new layer from a zero-mean Gaussian distribution with standard deviation 0.01. In order to suppress those redundant boxes, we use a non-maximal suppressionalgorithm, which is an iterative-ergodic-elimination process. First, it sorts all the boxes and select the highest score box. Next, it traverses the rest of the box, if the overlap area (IoU) of the current maximum framing is greater than a certain threshold, it will delete the box. Finally, it continues to select the highest score in the box that has never been processed and repeat the above process. In our model, we set NMS=0.4. The vehicle-like features are passed to the ROI propossal layer and RCNN, and then the bounding boxes and categories of the object arepredicted by two fully connected layers.

3.2 Anchor Box

The essence of anchor is the reverse of the idea of SPP (spatial pyramid pooling). The basicidea is to push the output of the same size back to different sizes of inputs. In Faster R-CNN the anchor box have three area sizes with three different aspect ratios. In this way, it obtains atotal of nine kinds of anchors of different sizes. The schematic diagram of anchor box is shown in Fig. 3.


Fig. 3. The schematic diagram of Anchor Box

Based on the obtained characteristic parameters, the coordinates of the center point of the corresponding original picture are calculated through a 3×3 sliding window. At each windowposition, it can reverse a region in the original image according to the different anchor, then thesize and coordinates of the region are obtained. Next, each proposal outputs the category of the predicted object and the coordinates of bounding box.

Table 1. The size of anchor box in Faster R-CNN and our model


However, the size of the anchor boxes set in the Faster R-CNN is used to detect the object in the natural scene, which is not suitable for detect a specific small object, especially on the aerial image. Therefore, we need to set the appropriate size of the anchor box for a specific detection task. In the Faster R-CNN, the anchor size is set to: base size is 16, ratios is (0.5, 1, 2), and scales is (8, 16, 32). After a series of calculations, it finally produces nine anchors with three scales (128, 256, 512) and three ratios (0.5, 1, 2), as shown in Table 1. The size of the anchor box generated in Faster R-CNN is not suitable for detection of small objects. As to howto set up suitable anchor box, yolo9000 [48] proposes to use k-means clustering algorithm t of ind suitable anchor box size. However, this algorithm is suitable for the objects with varioussizes and scales, it is not suitable for specific object detection. In addition, the algorithm also significantly increases the computation and consumption. In this research, we can detect that the size of vehicles in the aerial image dataset is basically around 30×60, so we set the appropriate anchor box in our model according to this size. The anchor size is set to: base size is 3, and ratios is (0.5, 1, 2), scales is (15, 20, 25). After a series of calculations, 9 anchors of three scale (45, 60, 75) with three ratios (0.5, 1.0, 2.0) are finally generated (as shown in Table 1). This size basically covers the size of most types of vehicles. Compared with the anchor box set in the Faster R-CNN, the introduction of a specific anchor box increased the mAP by about 3%, at the same time the detection time is reduced by approximately 20%.

4. Experimental Results

In this section, we show the results of our method in vehicle detection, and analyze the results in detail. The experimental procedure is based on the deep learning framework Caffe. The configuration of the computer is as follows: CPU is Inter core i7-7700, GPU is NVIDIAGTX-1060 (6 GB video memory), and the memory is 8GB. The operating system is Ubuntu14.04 (Canonical, London, UK).

4.1 Dataset Description

Two datasets are used in these experiments. The Munich Vehicle dataset is collected over thecity Munich, Germany. Our Collected Vehicle dataset is captured over the city Nanjing, China. They are both high-resolution aerial vehicle datasets.

4.1.1 Munich Vehicle Dataset

As described in [49], the Munich Vehicle dataset is used in the paper “K.Liu and G. Matty us: Fast Multiclass Vehicle Detection on Aerial Images, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE, Volume: 12, Year 2015”. Anyone can download the dataset from the link in [44]. The images are captured from an airplane by a Canon Eos 1Ds Mark III camera with a resolution of 5616 & times; 3744 pixels, 50 mm focal length and they are stored in JPEG format. The optical image is taken at a height of 1000 meters above ground, and the ground sampling distance is approximately 13cm. The Munich vehicle dataset annotated eight types of vehicle information, and most of the vehicle types is car. Following [44], we combine “ca” and “van” as car. In order to ensure the reliability of the data, in our research, we only detect car types. Due to the limited size of the training set and video memory, following [5], each original aerial image (5616 & times; 3744 pixels) is cropped into11×10 image blocks (702×624 pixels) with overlap. The blocks without vehicles are discarded and the remaining image blocks are rotated with fourangles.

4.1.2 Our Collected Vehicle Dataset

The collected vehicle dataset contains 615 aerial images with a resolution of 1368×770 pixels. We have uploaded the dataset to the public repository, the readers can download the dataset from the link in [50]. The UAV captured the images at a height of about 60 meters. The cartype vehicle is annotated on each image. An average of 30 car type samples are annotated ineach image, so there are approximately 18450 samples with the ground truth in our dataset. Weselect eighty percent of the dataset as training samples and the remaining data as test samples. During training, the original image is rotated vertically, horizontally, and mirrored in three ways to expand the dataset. Most of these aerial data sets are obtained from the road.

4.2 Evaluation Index

In our model, we use four typical indicators to evaluate the detection performance, namely precision rate, recall rate, mAP and F1-score.

The definition of precision rate is as follow:

\(\text { precision }=\frac{T P}{T P+F P}\)       (6)

Where TP (True Positive) indicates the number of positive samples predicted to be positive, and FP (False Positive) indicates the number of negative samples predicted to be positive.

The recall rate is also an important index to measure the detection performance. It is defined as follows:

\(\text {recall}=\frac{T P}{T P+F N}\)       (7)

Where FN (False Negative) represents the number of positive samples predicted to benegative.

The precision rate and recall rate affect each other. Ideally, both are high, but in general, the precision rate is high and the recall rate is low, and vice versa. At this time, a comprehensiverecall rate and precision rate need to be evaluated. F1-Measure is a weighted harmonic meanof precision and recall. The definition is as follows:

\(F_{1}=\frac{2 \times \text { precision } \times \text {reacll}}{\text {precision }+\text {reacll}}\)       (8)

The mAP is designed to solve the single-point value limitations of precision rate, recall rate, and F1-score. Its purpose is to obtain an index that reflects global performance. The definition of the mean average precision (mAP) is as follows (where P and R represent the precision rate and recall rate respectively):

\(m A P=\int_{0}^{1} P(R) d R\)       (9)

4.3 Results for Munich Vehicle Dataset

The results of our experiments are shown in Table 2. In Table 2, we can see that the performance of the VGG16 model is significantly better than the ZF model in the Faster R-CNN, which is the reason why we chose the VGG16 model. Compared with the ZF model, the VGG16 model has improved by nearly 0.1 in F1-score and 12.8 points in mAP. This fully demonstrates the superior performance of the VGG16 model in the field of object detection. In the detection model, we introduce the specific anchor box method to improve the performance of the detection. Compared with the non specific anchor box, the recall and precision rate are increased by 1.1 points and 3.0 points respectively. At the same time, F1-score and mAP arealso improved significantly. More details, the detection speed is increased by approximately 20%. These can fully demonstrate the importance of setting a specific anchor box based on thesize of the object in object detection.

Table 2. The results of method under different indicators


In order to further demonstrate the role of Eltwsie model and Concat model in ourexperiments, we test Eltwsie model and Concat model respectively. The results show that the introduction of Eltwsie model and Concat model can further improve the detection performance. More details, we find that the Eltwsie model is more obvious in increasing therecall rate, and the Concat model is more prominent in improving the precision rate. In addition, our model achieved the most advances performance after the fusion of the Eltwsiemodel and the Concat model, and all performance indicators have been greatly improved. Our method eventually achieves a recall rate of 82.3% on the Munich dataset. At the same time the precision is 90.2%, the F1-score is 0.861 and the mAP is 85.5%. These indicators are currently reaching the leading level. In addition, our model has a training time of 0.578 seconds periteration on the Munich dataset. The model was iterated 80000 times, so the total training time is about 13 hours.

Table 3. Performance comparison between different methods


We compare our method with state-of-the-art detection methods, as shown in Table 3. To befair, we do not copy the results of other algorithms directly, and all algorithms werereproduced on the Munich dataset. The best performances are highlighted in bold. It can be observed our proposed method achieves the best performance. Our results have reached theleading level in terms of recall rate, precision rate and F1-score. In our model we use a specificanchor box which allows the model to speed up the convergence and reduce the time of detection. Therefore, our model is also considerable in detection time compared to othermethods. In our method, the Etlwise model and Concat model are introduced, and the appropriate anchor box is set according to the size of the object, which make our results reach the leading level in terms of recall rate and precision rate.


Fig. 4. Comparisons of four detection models (a) mAP vs. IoU curve , (b) precision-recall curve

In addition, the mAP-IoU curve and precision-recall curve are showed in Fig. 4. Fig. 4(a) shows the mAP changes with IoU. Compare with other methods, the result of ours has a higherm AP value when the IoU at different values. With the increase of IoU (from 0 to 1), the m APappears increase first and then decrease. In particular, the mAP reaches the highest value when IoU is around 0.4, so in our model we choose IoU=0.4 in test. Accuracy rate and recall rate are important basis for evaluating the detection performance of the model. These two indicatorsinteract with each other. If the accuracy rate is high, the recall rate is low, and vice versa. Fig. 4(b) shows the performance of our model and several other methods on precision-recall. Obviously, our results are also superior to other methods in terms of recall-precision. In moredetail, our model has obvious advantages over Faster R-CNN on precision-recall. At the sametime, our model has some advantages compared with the HRPN method.


Fig. 5. Detection results for the Munich test aerial images. Red boxes denote correct localization, yellow boxes denote missing detection

Fig. 5 shows several results of test image blocks on Munich dataset with the method which we proposed. The red box represents the correct localization, and the yellow box represents miss detection. Each red box gives a score, which indicates the reliability of the object. The higher the score, the higher the credibility of the prediction. Fig. 5 shows that our method candetect most of the vehicles in various scenarios, which indicates that our method is effective. Fig. 5(a, b, c) shows that our method exhibits good detection performance in a complex background. As shown in Fig. 5(d, e, f), when the cars are in a dense scene our method canalso show good detection results. When the vehicle is covered by shadows, such as trees orbuildings in the shadow of light, as shown in Fig. 5(b, d, g), the results show that our methodstill have superior performance. This shows that our method can successfully detect the object vehicle in the shadowed area. Fig. 5(h, i) shows the detection results in a single background. In this case, the detected objects have high credibility, and most of the predicted scores are above 0.95.

As shown in Fig. 6, all the detection results of blocks are stitched together to recombine the original image. There are 1158 car type samples in Fig. 6. It is shown that only 30 samples aremiss detection with our method. In this case, the accuracy of our method is about 97.4%.


Fig. 6. Detection results in original images. Red boxes denote correct localization, yellow boxes denotemissing detection and incorrect detection

4.4 Results of Our Collected Dataset

In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, we also implemented our method on the collected dataset. As shown in Table 4, our method achieves optimal performance in terms of recall rate, precision, and F1-score. Compared with the Munich vehicle data set, the aerialimage in our dataset has a higher resolution, so the detection indexes on the collected datasets are higher generally. Our method get a recall rate of 91.5% in our collected dataset, at the sametime the precision is 92.9%, the F1-score is 0.92. This shows that our method still has superiordetection performance in our collected dataset. The model spends 0.752 seconds per training session on our collected dataset, and iterates over 80,000 times, so the total training time is about 17 hours.

Table 4. Results of different methods for the collected vehicle images


The F1 Score is an indicator used in statistics to measure the accuracy of a binary model. It also takes into account the accuracy and recall rate of the classification model. The F1 scorecan be seen as a weighted average of the model accuracy and recall rate, with a maximum of 1 and a minimum of 0. The mAP indicator is the average precision, which is aimed to address thesingle point value limitations of Precision, Recall, and F-measure. Both MAP and F1-scorecan reflect the performance of the model globally. Fig. 7(a) shows that the value of F1-scoreand mAP in different IoU. With the increase of IoU (from 0 to 1), the value of F1-score and mAP present a trend of increasing first and then decreasing. In particular, in our method the F1-score and mAP have the best detection performance when IoU=0.4. This phenomenon issimilar to the results on the Munich dataset. In the detection of vehicle objects based on aerialimages, the objects are dense and numerous, and the predicted bounding boxes easily formoverlapping areas, so it is very important to set an appropriate IoU. In addition, we compare the results of precision-recall on four different methods. Fig. 7(b) shows the results of ourresults and the other four methods on precision-recall. As shown in Fig. 7(b), the results of ourmethod have significant advantages in detection performance compared to other methods. In particular, the results of our model show a more significant advantage in recall rate greater than 30%.


Fig. 7. Results for the collected vehicle images. (a)The value of F1-score and mAP in different IoU , (b) Comparisons of four detection models for precision-recall curve

Fig. 8 shows the results of our method on the collected dataset. As shown in Fig. 8, ourmethod can successfully detect most of the object vehicles in various backgrounds. Fig. 8(a, b, c) show that the detection object is in a simple scene, and the object is not located in the boundary area, in this case, our method can detect the object without any miss detection. Fig. 8 (d, e, f) show that when the background is relatively complex and the detection objects are dense, our method can also complete the detection of most of the objects. As shown in Fig. 8(e), most of the missed objects are concentrated in the boundary area of the image. These objects can only extract part of the features, so it is easy to cause missed detection.


Fig. 8. Detection results for the Collected test aerial images. Red boxes denote correct localization of car, yellow boxes denote missing detection

5. Co nclusions

In this paper, we proposed an accurate and effective vehicle detection method in aerial image. In our method, we have established a hyper feature map network to extract the characteristics of the object vehicle. This network was created through fusing Eltwsie model and Concatmodel, which is more suitable for the detection of small objects. Moreover, we designed the appropriate anchor box according to the size of the object, which further improved the performance of the detection. We evaluated our proposed method on the Munich vehicle image dataset and our collected dataset. Compared with the most advanced detection methods, our method has the best performance. The results of our model reached 82.3% in recall rate and 90.2% in accuracy on the Munich vehicle dataset. It has increased by 2.5 and 1.3 percentage points respectively over the state-of-the-art methods. The method which we proposed can successfully detect objects in a variety of complex backgrounds.

However, our method still has some miss detection. The extraction of excellent vehiclecharacteristics is still a critical task for accurate vehicle detection. Apart from this, the training of the model takes about 13 hours in our experiments on Munich dataset, so it is currently unable to perform real-time detection. For future work, we will pay attention to the feature extraction of the missing targets for further improvement of the detection performance. In addition, we will optimize the structure of the network to reduce the computation time.

Author Contributions

Jiaquan Shen and Ningzhong Liu conceived and designed the experiments; Jiaquan Shen and Han Sun performed the experiments and analyzed the data; Jiaquan Shen developed the algorithm and wrote this paper. Xiaoli Tao and Qiangyi Li contributed experiment tools. Allauthors contributed in reviewing the article.


This research is supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.61375021) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. NS2016091).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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