중재합의의 당사자자치에 관한 미국계약법상 해석

Party Autonomy in Arbitration Agreement: The U.S. Laws

  • 투고 : 2019.04.28
  • 심사 : 2019.05.31
  • 발행 : 2019.06.01


This paper reviews and analyzes the U.S. cases and statutes on the issue of party autonomy in arbitration agreement. Arbitration agreement has been interpreted somewhat differently from general contracts because its legal characteristics are not purely contractual by nature. For example, some legal scholars insist that an arbitration contract is more about an agreement on a process of dispute resolution than a creation of rights and obligations to avoid litigation. Party autonomy was discussed in diverse legal perspectives including contract of adhesion, VKI principle, and separability of arbitration clause. These three legal perspectives are discussed to set the legal relationship between party autonomy and protection of consumers in consumer arbitration. In addition, it was discussed how legal defects in the formation of an arbitration contract can influence the party autonomy. The legal defects that were discussed to analyze the relationship between arbitration agreement and party autonomy included misrepresentation, fraud, mistake, duress, and undue influence.



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피인용 문헌

  1. 중재에서의 임시적처분에 대한 연구 - 국내 중재를 중심으로 - vol.30, pp.2, 2019,