Fig. 1. XRD patterns of oyster shell and marine sediment collected from oyster shells before and after calcination (Ab: albite, Am: amphibole, C: calcite, Ch: chlorite, I:illite, K: kaolinite, Q: quartz, S: smectite).
Fig. 2. SEM images of calcined pure Taean oyster shell powder. (a) 3000×, (b) 15000×.
Fig. 3. SEM images of calcined Taean oyster shell powder containing sediment (a) 0.2 wt% (3000×), (b) 0.6 wt% (900×), (c) 1.4 wt% (3500×), (d) 2.4 wt% (2000×), (e) 4.0 wt% (3000×), (f) 4.0 wt% (1000×).
Fig. 4. SEM images of calcined Taean oyster shell powder containing NaCl (3000×) (a), (b) 0.1 wt%, (c) 0.3 wt%, (d), (e) 0.7 wt%, (f) 1.2 wt%, (g), (h) 2.0 wt%.
Table 1. Chemical composition of sediment used in this experiment (wt%)
Table 2. BET surface areas of Taean oyster shells containing sediment and NaCl salt (m2/g)
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