태산구급방 정본화 연구

A Study of the Taesangugeupbang (Emergency Prescriptions for Childbirth) in the Context of Related Historical Medical Texts

  • 박훈평 (동신대학교 한의과대학 원전의사학교실, 마루요양병원 한방 2과)
  • Park, Hun-Pyeong (Dept. of Classics & Medical History, College of Korean Medicine, Dong Shin University Korean Medicine Second Department, Maru Gariatric hospital)
  • 투고 : 2019.04.30
  • 심사 : 2019.05.19
  • 발행 : 2019.05.31


The Taesangugeupbang (Emergency Prescriptions for Childbirth) is a medical text written by Li-Chengong of China in the early 14th century. It incorporates forms of obstetrics and gynecology in use in the Chosun Dynasty and is quoted in the Hyangyakjibsungbang (Compendium of Prescription from the Countryside), the Euibangyoochui (Classified Collection of Medical Prescriptions), and the Taesanjibyo (Collection of Essentials for Childbirth). The recent rediscovery of Taesangugeupbang manuscripts in Japan has enabled full-scale research of this text. This article is based on a study of these manuscripts and attempts to synthesize the text through the various documents. The article suggests that: (1) critical texts for understanding the Taesangugeupbang include the Uijeoggo (A Review of Medical Books), the Euibangyoochui, and the Taesanjibyo; (2) there is a possibility that the Taesangugeupbang had disappeared from use in Joseon by the late 15th century; (3) the Taesangugeupbang complemented the treatment regimen of other texts and influenced the development of early Chosun ophthalmology; (4) The Taesangugeupbang is quoted in many Joseon's medical texts and is related to the author's mentor.


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그림 1. 필사본의 서문

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그림 2. 필사본의 본문 첫 면

표 1. 『태산구급방』의 주요 인용문헌

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표 2. 항목 별 다른 의서에서의 인용

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