The Influence of the Locus of control of the Global Public Enterprises on the Job Involvement and Turnover Intention

  • Kim, Boem Soo (School of Business Administration, Kwangwoon University) ;
  • Choi, Pil Ho (marketing, Kwangwoon University) ;
  • Kim, Il Sik (Ingenium College, Kwangwoon University) ;
  • Hwang, Il Yeong (Institute of Information Technology, Kwangwoon University)
  • 투고 : 2019.04.26
  • 심사 : 2019.06.05
  • 발행 : 2019.06.30


The purpose of this study is to reduce the costs required to proactively prevent the turnover intention by the results of personality type of locus of control. which is the behavioral outcome of the members of the organization. Based on this problem consciousness, the present study focused on the personal characteristics of the members of the organization in the enterprise. Among the individual characteristics, the intentions, which are distinct from others, are called personality, Focusing on the locus of control among these types of characteristics of the organization members, the study about how these control positions affect their job involvement and their turnover intention. The results validated in this study are summarized as follows. Among the personality types of the organization's members, internals are found to have higher job involvement than externals. In addition, it was found that internals among the personality types of the members of the organization lower the meaning of turnover intention than external member. In order to overcome uncertain management environment and create and sustain a competitive advantage in the organization, management has a weight-oriented trend and Increasing job involvement in organizational members and lowering their turnover intention will lead to continued productivity, among other things, important management items that managers and managers should pursue. Given these aspects, it is deemed necessary to analyze the personality aspects of the members of the organization and to transform and manage a new management mindset that leads to the enhancement of the personality as an internal rather than an external one and the task immersion of the members of the organization based on it.


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Figure 1. Study Model

Table 1. Composition and source of survey items

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Table 2. Reliability and Feasibility Analysis regarding Locus of Control

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Table 3. Reliability and Feasibility Analysis regarding Job Involvement

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Table 4. Reliability and Feasibility Analysis regarding Turnover Intention

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Table 5. Regression Analysis on the Control Location and Job Involvement

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Table 6. Regression Analysis on the Control Position and turnover intention

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