Effects of Customer Value Proposals on the Service Trade Repurchase Intentions of Sharing-Economy Users

  • Cho, Woo-Sung (Department of International Trade, Dongguk University) ;
  • Yoo, Seung-Gyun (Department of Global Economics and Commerce, Dongguk University-Gyeongju) ;
  • Jeon, Ki-Hong (Department of Global Economics and Commerce, Dongguk University-Gyeongju) ;
  • Choi, Chang-Youl (Department of Economics and Finance, SeoKyeong University)
  • 투고 : 2019.09.11
  • 심사 : 2019.12.10
  • 발행 : 2019.12.31


Purpose - This paper finds the repurchase intentions of customers in a sharing economy via Airbnb and Uber, which are classic sharing-economy service businesses. Design/methodology - This paper analyzes sharing economy effects using variables in a structural equation model. Findings - We verified that values have a significant effect on the trust in a platform. We also verified that the effects that value propositions have on repurchase intention are significant. Research Limitations/Implications - First, there may be some distinction between men and women with regard to divided trust. Second, if commitment is divided into commitment to the host and commitment to the platform, as is the case for trust, the results will not be as expected. Third, if results could be categorized by nationality after gathering more samples, each nationality might have different opinions about these factors. Finally, the sharing economy can be identified and analyzed for various industries, such as space, transportation, and service. At this point, it is inconvenient to not have more implications. Originality/value - This study focuses on the repurchase intentions of customers. Unlike earlier studies, it is meaningful that trust is divided between the host and the platform, and that it can be analyzed. It is also important to establish the relationship between trust and commitment, and the relationship toward repurchasing in the shared-economy.



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