The Effects of Affiliation with Export Service-Providers on Sustainable Competitive Advantage: A Perspective of Small- and Medium-sized Exporters

  • An, Sang Bong (Department of Business Administration, Shingyeong University) ;
  • Oh, Han-Mo (Department of International Trade, Chonbuk National University)
  • 투고 : 2019.03.25
  • 심사 : 2019.05.10
  • 발행 : 2019.05.31


Purpose - An appreciable number of small- and medium-sized exporters have continuously succeeded in their export marketplaces even though they do not possess enough resources. Advocating that affiliation with an export service-provider plays an important role in this phenomenon, we aimed to theoretically explain how export service providers' competences and relational factors drive small- and medium-sized exporters' competitive advantages in the long-run. Design/methodology - Drawing prominently on the resource-based view and the relationship-marketing theory, we built an empirically testable model. The model showed the roles of exporter capabilities, export service-provider competences, and relational factors on small- and medium-sized exporters' sustainable competitive advantages. Findings - The results of our research showed that exporter production and branding capabilities positively influenced their sustainable competitive advantage. In addition, export service-providers' marketing competence and relationship-building competence positively moderated the effects of exporter capabilities on their parties' sustainable competitive advantages. Finally, affiliation parties' interfirm trust and relationship commitment positively moderated the effects of export service-provider competence on the relationship between exporter capabilities and sustainable competitive advantages. Originality/value - Although prior studies have highlighted the effects of an exporter's resources on export performance, our research filled a knowledge gap of the effects of other resources on export performance. First, we proposed two types of export service-provider, competence marketing and relationship-building, influencing exporters' competitive advantage. Second, the effects of relational factors were proposed in the context of export affiliations.



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